A Kansas police officer says that an employee of a Junction City McDonald’s wrote an obscene and derogatory message about police on his coffee cup, NBC News reports. However, the franchise owner says that he reviewed security camera footage from every angle, and that the message wasn’t written by one of their employees.
Herington Police Chief Brian Hornaday says that one of his officers, whom he didn’t identify but whom he described as a military veteran who had only been on the force for a few months, went into a McDonald’s in Junction City, Kansas. There, Hornaday says, the officer was given a cup of coffee on which the words “F*cking pig” were written. Further, Hornaday says that the officer brought the cup to the attention of the employees, who offered him a “free lunch” in order to make things right.
In a statement on the Geary County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page , Hornaday admits that some in his community have reacted harshly toward the McDonald’s in question, but that “we don’t know the whole story.”
“We do not believe the actions of one individual represent the feeling of our community as a whole,” he said.
What’s more, Hornaday told local media that his department reviewed the security camera footage and couldn’t conclusively say whether or not an employee wrote the message on the cup.
However, the franchise’s owner, Dana Cook, says that he reviewed the security camera footage and that they are prepared to conclude that it wasn’t an employee who wrote the message.
“We thoroughly reviewed our security video from every angle, which clearly shows the words were not written by one of our employees,” Cook says, adding that his employees “have the utmost respect for all members of law enforcement and the military and were troubled by the accusation made.”
Cook also said that the security camera footage won’t be released until he’s had a chance to meet with Hornaday.
This is the latest in a series of incidents of late in which police officers claim to have been treated unfairly at a business.
In November, as reported by The Inquisitr , the police chief of Kiefer, Oklahoma, said that one of his officers went into a Glenpool, Oklahoma, Starbucks to order drinks for his or her colleagues. Kiefer Police Chief Johnny O’Mara claimed that the Starbucks barista wrote the word “Pig” on all the cups the officer had ordered. The employee was later fired.