Kamala and the Democrats May Lose the Election to Trump, Liberal TV Icon Warns the Party

Kamala and the Democrats May Lose the Election to Trump, Liberal TV Icon Warns the Party
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Mike Windle; (inset T) Photo by Montinique Monroe; (inset B) Photo by Jeff J Mitchell

Journalist and liberal TV presenter, Katie Couric, had some strong advice for the Democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris. According to Couric, Harris needs to gain the support of the working class to maintain her lead over Donald Trump. As per Fox News, the former NBC's Today show host noted that the Democratic party has "kind of lost" the working class and urged the party to "do better" to win them back before the November election. "I think that there needs to be a greater connection between the working class and the Democratic Party because let’s face it the Democrats have kind of lost the working class," Couric told Alyssa Mastromonaco, former Obama White House deputy chief of staff while appearing on the Hysteria podcast.



"It was never that way during all my years of covering politics," Couric added. "You had the head of the Teamsters at the RNC, you have people buying into this notion that Republicans care about dinner table issues much more than Democrats. And these narratives, I think, have become too deeply entrenched about liberal college-educated elites who are condescending." According to the liberal political commentator, the iconic term "basket of deplorables," which Hillary Clinton used to disparage Trump and his followers, marked the beginning of the trend of ignoring the working class. 



Couric maintained that Democrats should establish a "much stronger connection" with this voter bloc. She suggested Harris work alongside some "regular Joes" as well. “I just want to see her with a welding hat on, working with regular Joes,” she said. Clinton's statement drew much criticism and is recognized as one of the pivotal moments in the campaign that helped Trump win in 2016.

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Michael Loccisano
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Michael Loccisano


"You can think their behavior and their rhetoric is weird...but you can also do a better job of reaching out to disaffected voters who are non-college educated White people, in particular, who feel left out," she advised. As per the Daily Mail, Couric also pointed out the fact that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters head, Sean O'Brien, endorsed Trump at the RNC for the first time in the union's 121-year history.



O'Brien slammed companies like Walmart and Amazon, the Chamber of Commerce, and the federal government for not working toward the interest of the working class." The American people aren't stupid, they know the system is broken," he asserted. "We all know how Washington is run. Working people have no chance of winning this fight. That's why I'm here today because I refuse to keep doing the same things my predecessors did." 



He continued to praise the Republican leader, saying, "Trump is a candidate who is not afraid of hearing from new, loud and often critical voices And I think we all can agree, whether people like him or they don't like him, in light of what happened to him on Saturday, he has proven to be one tough S.O.B." At the end of the podcast, Couric stressed that the Democratic party "can't just give up on that voting bloc." Instead, she argued that her party should tell blue-collar workers, "'Hey, we care about you, we care about your issues, we know a lot of things have really been hard but this is how we're going to help."

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