Justin Timberlake Refused Breathalyzer Test During DWI Arrest by Officer Who 'Didn't Even Know Him'

Justin Timberlake Refused Breathalyzer Test During DWI Arrest by Officer Who 'Didn't Even Know Him'
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Sag Harbor Police Department

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated in the Hamptons early Tuesday morning. He got pulled over after cops saw him run a stop sign and veer across the road. This all went down in the fancy town of Sag Harbor around 12:30 am.

The 43-year-old had been drinking with friends at a hotel bar earlier in the night. Witnesses say Timberlake seemed pretty wasted, as he was even drinking from someone else's abandoned drink at one point. When he left the bar and got in his BMW, cops were waiting outside and pulled him over for the traffic violations they saw.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Don Arnold
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Don Arnold

When the young cop approached Timberlake's window, he had no clue who the hugely famous singer was. One source claims the officer "was so young that he didn't even know" Timberlake and didn't recognize his name, as per Page Six.

Apparently Timberlake muttered, "This is going to ruin the tour" and when the clueless cop asked "What tour?", Justin answered, "The world tour." Although sources say Timberlake's friends pleaded with cops to let him go, they ultimately arrested the Mirrors singer. He took a field sobriety test but refused to take a breathalyzer test at the station.


Refusing that test automatically results in a suspended license in New York, though Timberlake has an out-of-state license. The next morning, a stone-faced Timberlake was photographed leaving the police station in handcuffs, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses.

He was arraigned on a DWI charge as well as two other violations - running the stop sign and failing to stay in his lane. Despite the humiliating bust, Timberlake is still scheduled to perform in Chicago this weekend as part of his big world tour, as per The Daily Mail.


This isn't the first time Timberlake has been open about having issues with excessive drinking. In a 2014 interview, he admitted to drinking an entire bottle of whiskey at one point. And in 2006, he said he would sometimes get "completely plastered."

Sources claim the pressure to stay relevant against huge stars like Harry Styles has led Timberlake to drink more lately to "escape." They say he's even shown up to tour rehearsals reeking of booze. The DWI arrest is just the latest controversy for the former NSYNC frontman.


While no one is calling Timberlake an alcoholic, those close to him view this arrest as a potential wake-up call. They've been wanting him to cut back on boozing for a while now.

Last year, he faced major backlash over Britney Spears' claims in her memoir that he encouraged her to have an abortion when they dated in the early 2000s. There were also hand-holding pictures with his co-star that he apologized for, blaming alcohol. His wife Jessica Biel has had to sometimes "babysit" him when he gets too flirty after drinking, according to insiders. 

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