There was a time when Justin Bieber slammed his now ex-girlfriend and Same Old Love singer Selena Gomez in the past about her constantly being under the influence of alcohol at social gatherings the former couple would attend followed by the uncontrollable behavior. Beiber further expressed his relief after the two had called it quits as reported by TMZ .
The once famed power couple in the music industry, #Jelena had quite the whirlwind romance and were in a constant battle of problems in their relationship. This bickering eventually led them to be in an on-and-off relationship that eventually ended in a disaster.
In fact, it continues to make headlines to this day. Both Bieber and Gomez have moved on respectively with their love lives. Bieber went on to marry long-time friend Hailey Baldwin (now Hailey Bieber) while Selena is currently trying out her luck in the dating game. Even though bridges have been burnt, Bieber had a lot to express in terms of bearing with Selena’s toxic behavior while the two were very much together.
Bieber seemingly scorned his former lover in disgust after he found her behavior during a social gathering to be rather ‘uncontrollable’. The Baby singer claimed that she became a topic of humor in his friend circle because of her behavior while being terribly drunk. Bieber however does admit to having gotten wasted but not as much as his then-girlfriend.
He further claims how Gomez would often attempt to compete against friends and ‘men’ who had a higher capacity for drinking and smoking compared to her. In several instances, she’s gone beyond her competition’s capacities.
Bieber further emphasized the gravity of alcohol addiction and accused Gomez’s parents of hating him and using him as a scapegoat to blame for playing a part in inflicting damage on the relationship Gomez had with her parents. He goes on to say that a primary reason the two aren’t dating anymore has a lot to do with the fact that the People You Know singer is reportedly ‘high maintenance’ and ‘out of control’. Bieber expresses his happiness about the two splitting up.
The two singers were one of the most beloved couples in the entertainment industry and were renowned for the cute moments they shared followed by the bittersweet love for each other. The aftermath of their relationship still continues especially after Bieber married Hailey.
Style Caster mentioned that many #Jelena stans went on to attack his supermodel wife on the internet, unable to accept his decision to settle down with anyone besides the Wolves singer. However, both Gomez and Hailey went on to bury the hatchet and made it clear to their respective fandoms that all is water under the bridge.