Former Empire star Jussie Smollett is hitting back at a hater in the wake of the drama surrounding his alleged attack back in January in which he claimed he was targeted as part of a hate crime on the streets of Chicago. The star made his position very clear in a comment posted to Instagram this week as he maintained his innocence and claimed that he’s never “lied about a thing” when it comes to the incident.
As reported by Yahoo! , Smollett hit back on the social media site after YouTuber Derrick Jaxn called the actor a “trendsetter” in a comment posted underneath a post from The Shade Room. The upload was about Amari Allen, who’s a girl who claimed that three of her white classmates had pinned her down and cut off her dreadlocks. She then retracted her statements.
Jussie clearly didn’t appreciate being associated with the story, as he was quick to hit back with a comment of his own in which he once again maintained his innocence.
“With all due respect brother, y’all can clown me all you want but my story has actually never changed and I haven’t lied about a thing,” wrote the actor, who’s mainly stayed out of the spotlight over the past few months following the incident.
“Y’all can continue to be misinformed, internalized sheep, who believe what actual proven liars feed you or you can read the actual docs,” continued the star, who played Jamal Lyon on the Fox musical drama before leaving the show earlier this year in the wake of the scandal.
“Either way, I’mma be alright,” he added in the comment. “I know me and what happened. You don’t. So carry on. All love.”
The past several months have no doubt been tough for the actor after he claimed he was targeted by two men wearing ski masks who allegedly assaulted him and even tied a noose around his neck. Smollett also alleged that his attackers yelled homophobic and racist abuse at him.
Shortly after Smollett’s claims went public, police claimed they believed he was lying about the incident and even accused him of faking the attack and knowing his attackers.
He then faced 16 felony counts of lying to police, though all charges against him were suddenly dropped in March. The decision to drop the case even had President Donald Trump call the case an “embarrassment to America” as some accused the star of getting special treatment because he was a celebrity.
Following that, as reported by BBC News in April, it was announced that Jussie was being sued by the city of Chicago for the cost of the investigation into the incident.
Jussie has always, and continues to, maintain his innocence.