When we say that it’s just Donald Trump’s world and that we live in it, more than us, Trump meant it—Not through words but rather his actions! Ever since Trump returned to power, he has taken American politics into a frenzy that has affected the entire world. While news outlets have plenty to write about, the people working under him suffer. Recently, the judicial branch has acted as critical protection against several attempts by his administration to undermine the congressional authority and alter constitutional laws.
Several people seem unhappy, not only with his typical supremely radical and hasty ways of passing orders and making decisions but also with the theory that the future of these decisions would turn the country into a dictatorship (that’s the theory that’s been going on for a while). Amidst increased tensions, federal judges have blocked key parts of his agenda, including efforts to end birthright citizenship, cut foreign aid, and more.
As per Alter Net, while some of his policies have received applause from supporters, sadly, judges who condemned them have received threats from individuals or groups that appear to support Trump. Comments from Republican lawmakers and the president himself have only intensified the violent rhetoric directed at these judges.
According to the New York Times, judges who have ruled out Trump’s policies and raised a concerning voice have been slammed with bomb threats and anonymous calls with terrible threats to dispatch police SWAT teams to their residents. In addition, a judge even claimed that he was the victim of a prank where a pizza delivery boy appeared on his doorstep, spouting him out.
“They know where you and your family live,” the judge, who is overseeing a case involving the Trump administration, cautioned, meanwhile, in another instance earlier this month. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, one of the judges appointed by Donald Trump, condemned Trump’s recent policy of freezing foreign aid.
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The US federal government freeze occurred as the administration reviewed foreign aid funding. However, after Justice Amy ruled out the stance, she was called a “closet Democrat” by Trump supporters, soon after which Amy’s sister received a false bomb threat saying that a pipe bomb had been placed in her mailbox.
Similarly, Judge John C. Coughenour of the US District Court for the Western District of Washington also reported that after he denied Trump’s attempt to abolish birthright citizenship, he was the victim of a fake tip sent to local law enforcement, which led to officers arriving at his home under the false belief there was an armed intruder.
Popular outlet Reuters reported that the US marshals warned federal judges of extremely high threat levels, and tight security was assigned to the judges handling Trump’s policy cases. The government watchdog Public Citizen said the threats against judges who rule against Trump are a “red flag,” the outlet claimed.
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Furthermore, they said that at this point in American politics, “This presidency is starting to look a lot like a dictatorship,” said the group. Subsequently, Maggie Jo Buchanan, interim executive director of the court reform advocacy group Demand Justice Department, said that even though criticism from the opposition party and the public is a part of democracy, threats and absurd warnings are not.
Maggie Jo Buchanan added that the judges are profound people who know their jobs and have been appointed to do their jobs under the Constitution by keeping the law fair and equal for all; it is sad that the whole scene right now has taken an ugly turn. What lies ahead remains uncertain at this point in time, but we shall keep you updated with the latest happenings on this matter.