Jimmy Kimmel Was Stumped by What Donald Trump Was Watching During His Date With Stormy Daniels

Jimmy Kimmel Was Stumped by What Donald Trump Was Watching During His Date With Stormy Daniels
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Jimmy Kimmel Live

Back in 2016, Jimmy Kimmel invited Stormy Daniels to his late-night show which ignited a firestorm of revelations about her time with Donald Trump. Daniels, with her poised demeanor, carefully skirted legal landmines while dropping intriguing details for Kimmel and the audience.

One such revelation was what Trump was up to during their date. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't a fancy dinner or a night out in the town, where they could be spotted but rather a cozy evening in a hotel room with Trump engrossed in Shark Week.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Getty Images
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Getty Images


According to The Things, Kimmel said, "Afterwards, he said he wanted to see you again and sign a copy of one of your DVDs. He kept calling you for months after that. You had dinner with him at the Beverly Hills Hotel. While you were there he was watching Shark Week. He's obsessed and terrorized by sharks." Daniels interjects, "Everyone loves Shark Week. Admit it, you love Shark Week."


Fast forward a year, and Daniels returned, armed with even juicier details. This time, she amused the audience with the image of Trump greeting her at the door in black silk pajamas— a sight she found more comedic than seductive. Kimmel's interview took a raucous turn, prompting the YouTube team to turn off comments as Daniels hilariously selected shapes resembling Trump's private. She said, “I’m pretty sure I thought he was channeling Hugh Hefner. Significantly less sexy."

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Throughout these interviews, Kimmel remained unapologetically critical of Trump, risking his job to stand by his convictions. “There was at one time, maybe, I don’t know, right around the beginning of this whole Trump thing where…that was kind of hinted at, but I just said, ‘Listen, I get it. I don’t disagree. I mean, you’re right." He concluded, "I just said, ‘If that’s what you want to do, I understand and I don’t begrudge you for it, but I’m not going to do that. So if you want somebody else to host the show, then that’s fine. That’s OK with me. I’m just not going to do it like that’…I have lost half of my fans — maybe more than that."


Despite the backlash, Kimmel retained his position and even hosted the Oscars. Interestingly, Trump who has ranted about the host on Truth Social quite a few times, once graced Jimmy Kimmel Live during his presidential campaign. Contrary to expectations, Trump received cheers from the audience, especially after Kimmel humorously dissected his 'extraordinary' medical report.

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Trump stated, “I said, 'Doc, I want to tell you, I will be the healthiest president ever.' And he said, 'Hmmm. I think I agree.' And I think he probably took my words and put them down.” Kimmel joked about the interview but wasn't too critical of it. “Mr. Trump was in Las Vegas last night – for the fifth Republican debate,” Kimmel said, as per Variety. “It was the third most-watched primary debate ever. Eighteen million viewers tuned in – more people watched the debate than watched the season finale of The Voice. Maybe Carly Fiorina is the new Gwen Stefani.”

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