Jimmy Kimmel Once Accused Donald Trump of 'Making Up' a Story About Him During a Rally

Jimmy Kimmel Once Accused Donald Trump of 'Making Up' a Story About Him During a Rally
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L): Photo by Michael Tullberg; (R): Photo by Scott Olson

It's no secret now how Jimmy Kimmel feels about Donald Trump. So, when the former president bragged about a "fake" story related to the late-night host at a 2018 campaign rally in West Columbia, S.C., Kimmel hit back at him for spreading lies. After two weeks when Trump made these remarks, the now-56-year-old roasted the politician true to his comedic style. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kevin Winter
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Kevin Winter


Kimmel was silent on the matter as he was on a fishing holiday in the deep waters of Montana and couldn't see the footage. Hence, no reaction. So, apparently, according to Trump's account, the late-night host waited for him outside the El Capitan Entertainment Centre in Hollywood holding the door open when he was a guest there in 2016, as per Daily Mail. On June 26, 2018, Trump told the crowd, "I'm telling you a true story. I don't even think he'd [Kimmel] deny it. Jimmy Kimmel would meet me, before the election... no talent, but I go to his studio to do a shot. He would stand outside the studio waiting for me, he opened my door. I asked the people, 'Does he do this for everybody?' and they said, 'He does this for nobody.'" He then further claimed this gesture occurred "three to four times." 



In response, Kimmel not only denied it but accused the ex-president of outright lying about it, citing it "never happened." In one of the episodes of his show Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host shared his side of the story during the monologue, saying, "It's a funny thing. We all know, like even the people who like the president know he makes things up, but still it's weird to hear him tell a lie that specifically involves you. Because all of a sudden you're like wait, no, he's lying." Meanwhile, he dissected Trump's story further and said he never greets his guests in their dressing rooms before the show begins. "I like to greet the guests on stage. I feel dumb saying hello to them and then saying hello again 10 minutes later," adding that it cannot happen because celebrities don't even enter from the front door of Hollywood Boulevard but through an alley at the back of the building. 



To keep the momentum going, Kimmel deliberately narrated another story related to Trump about "what actually happened" when he showed up at his studio, "Donald Trump showed up one night outside our show banging on the backstage door. It was 2007. He had a half-finished bucket of chicken under his arm and he was screaming that he needed to use the bathroom." 



"But unfortunately, there was someone in the bathroom. I believe it was Zach Braff who was in the bathroom. So Donald took a look around. He stuffed the remainder of the chicken in his jacket, he dropped his pants, he did his business in the bucket.' "That story is exactly as true as his was," and the audience burst out laughing. 



Trump shares the same emotions for Kimmel as he frequently blasts the late-night host on his preferred platform Truth Social. Referring to Kimmel's joke at his expense at the Academy Awards, Trump blasted, "He was made to look like a FOOL, which he is. And at the same time go down in Television History as the WORST HOST EVER OF THE ONCE VAUNTED ACADEMY AWARDS! Stupid Jimmy Kimmel," as per Forbes. 

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