Jimmy Fallon recently hosted Dakota Johnson on The Tonight Show and she had the audacity to be late. Okay, to be fair, she was on site, but was slow getting to the stage because she was chumming around with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton , Daily Mail reported.
“Sorry I’m late. I was just chit chatting with Hillary.”
How does Jimmy Fallon handle Dakota Johnson being late? He punishes her by making her speak in various accents. Well, it’s not really a punishment. Jimmy Fallon just seems to like to like having fun with his guests. Talking about Dakota’s new film, Black Mass , in which she stars alongside Johnny Depp as Whitey Bulger’s girlfriend, she reveals that she learned to speak with a Boston accent by eavesdropping on people’s conversations in restaurants and other public places, MTV reported.
“I worked with a dialect coach a little bit, but I have a thing with eavesdropping. If I was at restaurants or places, I would just listen to the accent and practice.”
Since Jimmy Fallon was so impressed with Dakota’s ability to pick up the Boston accent, he decided to test the limits of her skill with accents. He had her play the part of Whitey Bulger’s girlfriend if the movie was taken up in France, Australia, and the deep South of the U.S. She nailed every accent.
But, before the discussion of accents took place, Dakota had to calm herself. This wasn’t the first time she met with Jimmy Fallon, but she revealed she cracks up every time she sees him. Her fit of giggles comes with tears and Twitter exploded with images of her showing Jimmy a “real” tear that resulted from her laughter.
HQ PHOTOS: Dakota Johnson on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon http://t.co/wpgckfSfZ9 via @50tonsdecinza pic.twitter.com/jgSxlcghb6
— Fifty Shades Updates (@ShadesUpdates) September 16, 2015
Jimmy Fallon did not fail to point out how successful Dakota Johnson’s first, big foray on the big screen was. Fifty Shades of Grey brought in millions at the box office. When on Ellen , People reported Dakota was asked if men approach her differently since Fifty Shades of Grey was released and Dakota’s answer was quite humorous.
“You mean, like, when they run away from me?”
Apparently, it’s difficult for some people to separate the character on the screen from the actress who is just a regular person in real life. Black Mass gives fans another view of the talented actress, perhaps making her less scary to men who might want to approach her. Or, maybe not, if they think her gangster boyfriend is lurking nearby.
[Photo by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/ YouTube]