In Touch Weekly has recently reported some crew horror stories from working with the Duggar family on the various incarnations of their shows, and the outlet recently reported an incident in which Jim Bob Duggar physically punished his son after catching him masturbating.
The Duggar family is completely against sex before marriage and does everything it can to ensure that their children are pure until they tie the knot. The family hasn’t given its opinion on self-pleasure, but according to an anonymous crew member, he doesn’t give it favorable reviews.
The anonymous tipster stated that Jim Bob caught his son in the act and that his screams were enough to send crew members running.
According to the source, when the crew asked what had happened, all Jim Bob could reply was, “Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.”
The entire next day, the son, who has never been named, was forced to do a number of chores. However, the punishment turned physical, as Jim Bob tied his hands together in order to ensure that it was nearly impossible to do them.
Some Duggar fans speculate that the family also shaves the heads of boys who have been caught in sexual indiscretions, as a few eagle eye viewers noticed on an old episode of 14 Kids and Pregnant Again , Josh Duggar’s hair had been shaved right around the time the molestation scandal would have occurred.
Fans have suspected that the Duggar family deals harsh discipline to their children, but this has never really been explored. Jana Duggar, the eldest Duggar daughter, however, notes that she had a difficult time loving her family as a teenager and was sent away to a fundamentalist Christian “re-education” camp called “Journey to the Heart” for troubled young women. There, she says, she learned to put her faith in God and love her family again.
Aside from the Josh Duggar scandals, in which it came out that he had had several affairs on his wife, Anna, and had molested four of his younger sisters, the only other alleged scandal has been Joy-Anna Duggar’s pregnancy. Some believe Joy-Anna and her husband, Austin, conceived their son out of wedlock.