Early Wednesday morning, Jessica Simpson posted a loving tribute on social media to her father, Joe Simpson, on his birthday. Posting a photo and a lengthy caption, Jessica thanked her father for many things along with sending him birthday wishes.
In the black-and-white photo posted to Instagram, Jessica is wearing her long blond hair down as she stands next to her father with a huge smile on her face. Joe has his arm around his daughter.
She began her post by writing that she has always wanted to be the “brightest light” that her father “ignited within her” so that she could shine and “others could be guided into their own personal transcending greatness of being.” She continued her post by thanking her father for everything, including the “unimaginable achievement of infinite dreams.” The singer finished her touching tribute by saying Joe is her “heartbeat” before wishing him a happy birthday. She ended the photo caption with a butterfly emoji.
Within the first five hours of being posted, the photo already had 40,000 likes from Jessica’s more than 5 million followers. Plenty of Jessica’s fans also chimed in on the post to send their birthday wishes to her dad.
“Happy birthday to Papa Simpson!” one follower wrote.
Another fan wished Jessica’s father a happy birthday along with mentioning her recent memoir.
“Thank you for writing Open Book , Jessica. And happy birthday to your father.”
“I am halfway through your book @jessicasimpson and you are so amazing for having written it xx Happy birthday to your Papa!” another fan wrote.
Another chimed in, “Wow!…. So moving! How lucky you both are to have eachother [sic].”
Jessica released her memoir Open Book earlier this month, and it sounds like many of her fans are reading it. The book, in which Jessica opens up about many aspects of her life, also talks about her father. Particularly, Jessica reveals that her father did not want her to get married to Nick Lachey. At the time, Jessica was 22-years-old and the 98 Degrees singer was 29. Joe felt his daughter was too young to get married and that Nick did not “understand commitment.” Despite not necessarily supporting his daughter’s marriage decision, Joe Simpson walked Jessica down the aisle when she married Nick. The couple divorced after three years of marriage.
Although they may not have always agreed on things, it appears that Jessica Simpson is very close with her father.