Jessa Duggar is usually the one who shares photos and videos of her kids on Instagram. However, her husband, Ben Seewald, has been known to post a few as well. On Saturday, the star of TLC’s Counting On took to his solo account to share a sweet pic of their two boys, Spurgeon, 4, and Henry, 3, enjoying a couple of special gifts given to them by their local mail carrier.
The two boys looked over their new possessions in the photo. Each of them held a toy mail truck in their little hands and they were clearly thrilled. Jessa might have snapped the photo as she is known for taking most of the pics of her family. Ben called their mail carrier “kind” in his caption and said that they each got their own toy truck to play with. Spurgeon looked a little more serious than his little brother. He had just a hint of a grin on his face. He appeared to be showing Henry some detail on the toy.
Henry was looking over at his sibling’s truck while holding onto his tightly. The little guy had a big smile on his face. Henry wore a pair of grey knit shorts and a matching grey t-shirt that read “Free Range” on it complete with a rooster on the front. Spurgeon sported khaki shorts and a dark red shirt. The eldest Seewald boy also wore a brown, wide-brim hat with a chin cord attached. His cheeks were a little rosy and his curly locks appeared to be a bit wet. The Duggar grandsons stood in the kitchen as their picture was taken.
This post prompted many of Jessa and Ben’s Instagram followers to voice their support for the USPS in the comments section of the post. Others were totally enthralled with the boys’ cuteness.
“That was so sweet. Those boys are as cute as they can be,” one fan replied.
“My goodness those are adorable,” said another follower.
“Love the curls! They’re so mesmerized by those trucks,” observed a third fan.
Their little sister, Ivy Jane, was most likely having her own fun while her brothers played with their new toys.
As previously detailed by The Inquisitr , recently, the 1-year-old loved being held up by her daddy as she sprayed a fig tree with water from a spray bottle. She seemed to be having a blast as indicated by her sweet giggles.