For the last few days, Jessa Duggar has been under fire for her questionable parenting techniques. When a picture of baby Henry strapped to the front of Jessa appeared on the Duggar family Facebook, the fans immediately expressed in the comment section that this position is bad for his hips. After waves of criticisms, the 24-year-old mother made a comeback on her Instagram to show just how dedicated she is to her kids and family.
The newest video on her Instagram features her first son Spurgeon playing with second-hand toys. In the comments, Jessa made it clear to point out that she went to great “lengths” to keep her son entertained and to help him develop his motor skills.
“The lengths you will go to and the things you will invent to entertain your kid,” she wrote “(And we’re equally entertained just watching him at play).”
The fans responded well to this video, praising not only Spurgeon for his smarts, but also Jessa for coming up with creative ways to engage her kids.
“He looks so entertained! Maybe you have a future engineer or physicist on your hands,” a fan wrote.
“He is so intelligent! So beautiful how as parents you play with your child vs. give him an IPad,” another wrote. “Congrats.”
Check out the video that helped Jessa Duggar redeem herself as a good and attentive mother.
Just days before she made this post, she was criticized heavily for not knowing the correct and good ways of carrying her baby. Her mother, Michelle Duggar, shared a picture of baby Henry, to show just how cute he is, but all that the fans could see is how Jessa is potentially ruining his hip development.
“Did you know that wearing your baby in this way […] is not very good for the development of the hips?” A follower commented. “You can better wear your baby with his face to you. And the legs in a M way.”
“It’s so bad for their hips,” another fan chimed in. “I’ve worn my LB since he was born but they need support right to under their knees otherwise [their] legs hang and it pulls on their hips and can cause hip dysphasia. Just turn him around […] or have him on your back.”
Despite this lapse in baby carrying method, overall, Jessa has shown that she cares deeply about her husband and kids. Nowadays, that’s all she posts about on Instagram. Before she gave birth to her first son, she frequently posted selfies that showed off her new looks and experimentations, but now, photos of her baby boys and her husband, Ben Seewald, flood her feed.
[Featured Image by Jessa Seewald/ Instagram ]