Jerry Sandusky called himself the “Tickle Monster” while molesting young boys, that was the testimony that a man gave on Thursday while explaining to jurors his own molestation at the hands of Sandusky during a 1998 attack in a Penn State shower.
According to the now-25-year-old victim, Jerry Sandusky entered the shower, lathered up his back and shoulders and lifted him chest-to-chest to a shower head to rinse out his hair. The boy at the time had not broken out in a sweat during his short workout but still managed to come home with wet hair which prompted his mother to report the incident for which authorities did not press charges.
An investigator at the time of the claim interviewed the 11-year-old child and Sandusky and ultimately recommended that charges be levied but the district attorney Ray Gricar disagreed with that recommendation. In 2005 Gricar disappeared and was later declared dead.
The 25-year-old victim has not been revealed by name but is the sixth accuser to testify against Sandusky in the sex abuse trial. All together 10 boys have come forward, claiming sexual abuse over a 15-year span. If found guilty of all 52 criminal accounts Sandusky will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars.
This most recent victim says he actually kept in contact with Jerry Sandusky through text messages, holiday cards and meetings during special occasions. The man says Sandusky and his wife Dottie actually supported his recent mission trip to Mexico.
When asked why he finally decided to come forward after sharing his life’s experiences with Jerry Sandusky the witness revealed:
“As I started to go over it in my mind I quickly realized, my perception changed thinking about it as an adult as opposed to an 11-year-old. That was inappropriate, what happened to me.”
The witness said he is looking for “zero” financial benefit from his testimony.