Jeremy Piven has released a statement to the public via his social media this evening regarding the recent sexual assault allegations made against him. The Entourage star is denying the claims, calling them “absolutely false.”
In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, many women have stepped forward with stories of sexual abuse in Hollywood. Piven has since been accused by three separate women of sexual assault, one of which was revealed this morning.
People reported the newest allegation this morning regarding advertising executive Tiffany Bacon Scourby. The executive alleged Piven jumped on top of her in a hotel room and held her down as he “exposed his genitals and began rubbing them against her body.”
The Wisdom of the Crowd actor began his lengthy post by saying the accusations are “absolutely false and completely fabricated.” The actor then went on to question, “How does one prove something didn’t happen?”
Piven goes on to say “allegations are being printed as facts and lives are being put in jeopardy without a hearing, due process of evidence.”
The 52-year-old also expressed compassion for brave women coming forward with true stories of sexual assault.
After Scourby’s accusation came out, Piven released a statement to People as well. He states the hotel encounter never happened, and that he would never force himself on a woman. A representative for the actor also claimed a polygraph test would prove her allegations to be complete lies. Piven would reiterate the polygraph test to claim his innocence in his social media statements.
— Jeremy Piven (@jeremypiven) November 9, 2017
Piven’s statement comes just hours after Scourby’s story broke, and the actor is vehemently denying the claims of the executive, as well as actresses Ariane Bellamar and Cassidy Freeman.
Bellamar accused Piven of forcing himself on her and groping her on two separate occasions. He denied these accusations over a week ago in a statement to E! News . Freeman took to social media shortly after Bellamar’s accusations broke, and hinted that Piven assaulted her when she was “far too young.” Her post has since been taken down, but can be read on Deadline here .
Since the Weinstein scandal broke, every allegation that has been thrown at actors is being taken extremely seriously. Unfortunately, even if allegations are false, an entertainer risks their entire career being tainted.
Piven is one of the few celebrities stepping forward to deny the allegations thrown against them. His tweet has been met with compassion from fans saying they believe him, with few doubting his innocence.
Do you believe Piven’s proclamation of innocence?
[Featured Image by Theo Wargo/Getty Images]