Jennifer Lawrence was spotted having a romantic Beverly Hills dinner with rumored boyfriend Chris Martin last Monday, a week after naked photos allegedly of the Hunger Games star emerged online. On August 31, nude images reportedly belonging to Lawrence, model Kate Upton, and athlete McKayla Maroney were leaked on the internet, making their rounds on 4Chan, Reddit, Imgur, and other photo sharing sites.
In a previous report by the Inquisitr , it was revealed that Jennifer hasn’t been seen around since the pictures emerged. Her recent Beverly Hills appearance marked one of her first public appearances since the images got leaked on the internet. Although Lawrence has remained hushed about her alleged nude pictures – which were reportedly hacked from her iCloud account – her lawyers have expressed legal consequences to anyone who continues to distribute the images.
According to Hollywood Life , Jennifer Lawrence and the Coldplay frontman were seen having a romantic dinner, exchanging laughs and sharing their food at a posh Beverly Hills resto. An insider for the gossip site said the two were even spotted giving each other a quick peck.
“It is very true that they were laughing and having a great time during their dinner, but it definitely took a romantic turn when Jennifer leaned over the table to get a kiss and was met half way by a waiting Chris,”
Jennifer Lawrence indulged herself in calamari, pasta, and steak, sharing her delightful orders with Martin. The two appeared to have enjoyed each other’s company that Monday, making fans wonder if Lawrence has moved on one week after the nude photos were leaked. According to various reports, the singer has been incredibly supportive of Lawrence since the Fappening’s first day. Reportedly, Chris was more concerned about Jennifer’s privacy than the actual pictures themselves.
In other news, the group of artists who promised to portray Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton’s photos in public as part of their “art exhibit” has decided to cancel the plans , citing public outrage as the reason for putting a halt to the celebgate display. In a press release, the Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) said that the online petitions against showing Jennifer’s pictures were a major factor that led them to cancel the public exhibit. Other groups have also taken action against the circulation of the photos. In support of online privacy, Reddit banned /r/fappening from its roster of subreddits in an effort to prevent further distribution of the photos.
Jennifer Lawrence will reprise her role as Katniss Everdeen in Mockingjay Part 1, set to open on theaters this year.
[Image from MingleMediaTV /Flickr]