In an unexpected twist on the popular reality television series Sister Wives , Kody Brown, the patriarch of the polygamous family, shared his emotional suffering in the wake of his separation from his wife of 27 years, Christine Brown. Viewers are getting a behind-the-scenes look at Kody’s complicated feelings and Christine’s journey toward finding new love as the drama of Season 18 plays out.
In a recent episode, polygamist Kody , 54, spoke openly about his ongoing issues with the end of his relationship with Christine, which took place in November 2021. Despite the distance, Kody acknowledged that he was caught up in “self-deception.” He remembered Christine telling him that she no longer wanted him to stay at her house. Kody’s immediate response was ambivalence, which was compounded by his worry that Christine was joking.
He said about their breakup, “There was this moment when Christine told me she didn’t want me staying at her place anymore where I was ambivalent.” “And the reason I was ambivalent, I think was literally because I thought she was playing a game.”
“So her being gone [is] relief. The fallout with the whole family is grief, the sadness that kids struggle with… I mean, I think the biggest fantasy any child has is that mom and dad love each other all their lives long,” he added. “I don’t know it’s just the whole breakup — the divorce — is oh now, I’ve got this check mark of shame.”
While acknowledging his feelings of betrayal, Kody also acknowledged his satisfaction at being physically apart from Christine, emphasizing the emotional toll their split has had on the entire family. When Kody was questioned about how he would feel if Christine were to find new love, one of the most unexpected revelations came out. He acknowledged, “I might feel funny when that happens. I might get jealous when that happens.” “I mean I feel betrayed no doubt,” Kody said in a confessional. “But, I’m also going, ‘Well, have a good life.’ What can I do? I’m not going to be bothered when another guy is in her life. I don’t think,” per People .
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Christine, on the other hand, made it clear in a confessional that her displeasure went beyond polygamy. After giving her all to the marriage and completing all of Kody’s requests, she admitted that she ran into a circumstance where she needed help but Kody refused. She highlighted her goal for a more equal partnership by stating that raising their children was a shared responsibility rather than just hers.
She said, “No, it wasn’t just hating polygamy.” “It was realizing that after I gave so much and I did anything he wanted, and anything he wanted me to do, I did, and but when I needed help, he said no.” She continued, “They’re not just my kids in my responsibility. They’re our children.”