Congratulations to Jack and Lisa Osbourne on the birthday of their third child, Minnie Theodora Osbourne. The baby girl entered the world on Saturday, February 3, weighing 7 lb. and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing well and resting at home.
Jack announced his daughter’s birth on Instagram on Monday. The proud papa wrote,” Hey everyone meet Minnie! She’s the newest member of my girls only squad. #girlsrule #playerscurse #happydaddy #hatchling.”
According to Us Weekly , Kelly Osbourne responded on his Instagram post, saying that her niece is perfect in every way . She revealed that she was there when the baby was born, and it was beautiful to watch. Kelly ended her reply with the hashtag proud auntie.
“Congratulations to my brother @jackosbourne & his beautiful wife @lisaosbourne on the birth of #MinnieOsbourne. She is perfect in every way. It was such a beautiful experience to witness the birth of this angel. I love you both so much. #ProudAuntie.”
Lisa, 30, a professional cake decorator, announced in August that they were expecting their third child. In the cute post, she showed her growing bump, teasing that she ate the biggest burrito ever. Lisa’s followers chimed in with congratulations and inquiring when her new baby would arrive.
Jack and Lisa have two other daughters, Pearl, 5, and Andy, 2. In May, Jack revealed that he wanted more children, but Lisa wasn’t onboard with the idea. She wanted him to slow down and give her some time to recover from the last baby. Little did she know, she was already pregnant at the time.
“I do [want more kids]. Lisa is kind of just like, ‘Let’s pump the brakes a little.’”
Several months later, Jack explained the sudden change in their baby planning. He said that the pregnancy was not planned, but they are excited to expand their family.
The couple decided not to find out the sex of their baby until birth. Lisa chose to keep the pregnancy off social media, except for a few pictures of her growing belly.
In the final weeks before Lisa gave birth, Jack described his wife as being a state of “psycho nesting mode.” It isn’t uncommon for pregnant women to get the desire to clean and get the baby’s room ready in the weeks before birth.
Jack noted that when Lisa was nesting, he just pitched in and helped her clean. He joked that he knows better than to get in her way.