Jack Black Slammed by Trump Supporters for Endorsing Joe Biden: "Never Found Him Funny"

Jack Black Slammed by Trump Supporters for Endorsing Joe Biden: "Never Found Him Funny"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Scarnici; (inset): Photo by Drew Angerer(L), James Devaney(R)

Hollywood star Jack Black has found himself at the center of a social media meltdown after publicly endorsing President Joe Biden for the upcoming November presidential election. Black has been adored for his comedic talents and wholesome persona. However, his recent political stance has ignited intense backlash from supporters of former President Donald Trump.


As per Indy100, the controversy began at a high-profile Hollywood fundraiser held at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles, where Black, dressed in an American flag romper suit, delivered a shocking and impassioned speech endorsing Biden. The event, which reportedly raised over $30 million, featured other A-list celebrities such as George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Speaking to the audience, Black remarked, “A few days ago, my manager called me and said George Clooney and Julia Roberts wanted me to help out the president and speak here tonight. And I said, ‘I am in – when and where?’ When the president wins in November, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get a sweet shoutout in his victory speech for what I gave up to be here. Because when democracy is at stake, Jack Black answers the call! Mr. President, you’re welcome.”


Despite the comedic take, the message was clear that he firmly supports Joe Biden. This endorsement, however, did not sit well with many Trump supporters, who swiftly expressed their outrage. One user wrote, “Jack Black endorses Sleepy Joe. Am I the only one who hates him and has never found him funny?” Another commented, “Used to like Jack Black. Never again. He’s now just another POS loudmouth scumbag. Adios, Jack.” In agreement, someone else wrote, “Didn't have to wait long to prove my point that wokeness is the death of humor. Jack Black was naturally funny once. What went wrong??” Another user chimed in,  "These clowns have no clue what they’re talking about."


One user echoed a similar sentiment and remarked, "Jack Black doesn’t know what he’s talking about and definitely shouldn’t be taken seriously. For the last time, NO ONE CARES WHAT HOLLYWOOD ELITES THINK. They have no idea what it's like to live in the middle class right now," a third concluded.


As per Yahoo News, yet, amid the sea of criticism, many supported Black’s endorsement. One user praised the actor, saying, “Jack Black endorses Joe Biden and delivers an awesome speech in support of the President.” Another chimed in with, “I’m in too! Thanks, Jack,” and a third supporter wrote, “Get it, Jack.”

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Leon Bennett
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Leon Bennett

Moreover, the Biden Campaign released a statement, "Saturday's fundraiser will be a show of force with leaders across the entertainment industry sending a clear signal: they are united and enthusiastic about reelecting President Biden and Vice President Harris." During the event, President Biden said, “We have the strongest economy in the world today," adding, “We try to give ordinary people an even chance.”

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