The iPhone 5S could enter production as early as 2013, according to Digitimes . The website claims that Apple is currently making preparations to unleash a new version of the iPhone 5 into the world sometime next year.
“Facing low yield rates in the production of iPhone 5, Apple has accelerated the certification processes for related parts and components for the iPhone 5S,” explained the Commercial Times , a Chinese language newspaper.
Digitimes also stated that a new version of the iPad could be released at some point next year. Since the resolution of the latest model is a bit lower than many had anticipated, Apple is reportedly looking to make some changes to the device in the very near future.
These two products aren’t the only tricks up the company’s sleeve. According to Computer World , the highly-anticipated Apple television device is rumored to finally hit retails shelves in 2013.
While everyone else is waiting patiently to see what happens with the so-called iPhone 5S, folks in China are still waiting to get their hands on the first version of Apple’s latest iPhone. Presently, Chinese smartphone enthusiasts have yet to see the gadget released in their neck of the woods.
However, Network World reports the iPhone 5 could arrive in the country either later this month or at some point in December. China Telecom Chairman Wang Xiaochu said in a brief interview that the company was simply waiting for the government to approve the smartphone. Once this happens, Chinese iPhone 5 fanatics will be able to get their hands on one.
News of the iPhone 5S and another version of the iPad are nothing but rumors at the moment. Apple hasn’t confirmed a thing in regards to production reports.
Are you looking forward to getting your hands on the newest version of the iPhone 5? Do you think the company should wait longer between releases?