Internet Recalls The 'Savage Moment' When Trump Invited Clinton's Accusers to the Presidential Debate

Internet Recalls The 'Savage Moment' When Trump Invited Clinton's Accusers to the Presidential Debate
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| (L) Photo by Scott Olson; (R) Photo by Joe Raedle

Former president Donald Trump publicly ridiculed the Clintons in 2016 during the presidential debate held at Washington University. He played the ultimate 'Trump' card by allowing women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual abuse to sit in the family section near the center as he debated his rival, Hillary Clinton. As per NBC News, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Kathy Shelton were seen seated in the audience throughout the high-profile evening. Recently, the awkward incident was brought back online on X, and netizens laughed as they recalled the epic moment. @EndWokeness mocked while sharing a meme showcasing Bill looking at his accusers in disbelief: "That moment when Trump brought out Bill Clinton's accusers to the debate This is why they banned live audience."


@atensnut Broaddrick, one of the accusers reacted to the meme by saying: "Yes, it was great, with a thumbs-up emoji."  @_BruceBane agreed: "This was one of the most savage moments in politics!" @Bigdaletime chimed: "This was one of the best moments." @Mod2Severe tweeted: "No man wants to be confronted by ex-girlfriends and victims."


@nazeefavisuals recalled: "Epic moment of the debate." @gotrice2024 praised Trump's 'stunt' skills: "That was a classic Trump trolling moment." @BoricuaGOP said: "Simply genius. Those faces made my day." @stiffmartini added: "What a truly lovely moment that was. Hoping our President is hiding some cards up his sleeves this time around to make end runs around CNN’s cheating ways." 


Sources confirmed back then that the four women intended to approach Bill in front of a live television audience as soon as he entered the debate venue. It was stopped just before the show started by the Commission on Presidential Debates, who even threatened to call security to bar the women from participating. Had the plot succeeded, the women would have taken seats in front of the cameras in the Trump family box, which was situated on an elevated section near the stage. 

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Scott Olson
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Scott Olson


“We were going to put the four women in the VIP box,” Republican supporter and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told The Washington Post. “We had it all set. We wanted to have them shake hands with Bill, to see if Bill would shake hands with them.” The campaign's chief executive, Stephen K. Bannon, and the Republican leader's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, came up with the plan, and Trump personally authorized it. “We were going to put the four women in the VIP box,” Giuliani said. “We had it all set. We wanted to have them shake hands with Bill, to see if Bill would shake hands with them.” “But we pulled it because we were going to have a big incident on national TV,” Giuliani added. “Frank Fahrenkopf stopped us, and we weren’t going to have a fight on national TV with the commission to start the debate.”

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