Internet Goes Crazy Over Donald Trump’s Bizarre Dance Moves: "Gouge My Eyes Out"

Internet Goes Crazy Over Donald Trump’s Bizarre Dance Moves: "Gouge My Eyes Out"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael M. Santiago

Donald Trump is famous for many things; former president, prominent businessman, and criminal defendant but one thing he is certainly not known for is his dancing skills. This was made absolutely clear during his rally in the Brox on Thursday. As Sam & Dave’s 1966 hit Hold On I’m Coming blasted over the speakers, Trump attempted to break into the bizarre dance, providing a show that was hard to look away from. Fans claimed they can’t unsee it no matter how much they want to. His dance moves bore a striking similarity to a recent TikTok dance challenge where kids get their parents to show off their 80s dance styles, although it wasn’t clear whether Trump was making any direct reference to that trend, as reported by HuffPost.


The internet went crazy after this. One user wrote, “I've never wanted to gouge my eyes out before.” Another user added, “Looking forward to the day we never have to see that, or him, again.” A third user chimed in, “ He's got the diaper dance down. One wrong move and the hip goes.” Another user echoed a similar emotion and wrote, “I taught him that. It's called the double-fisted Lauren shimmy.”


Back in 2020, Trevor Noah took a stab at copying Trump’s bizarre dance style on The Daily Show, remarking, “Unlike the country he’s supposed to be running, Trump is having a blast right now. He’s got his job, he’s got his health and he gets to throw parties with his friends. Hell, he’s even been breaking out some dance moves. Or whatever this was supposed to be. This is all of the classic bad dance moves back to back.”


As per The Guardian, as the rallies continue, Trump’s dance antics keep lighting up social media, generating a mix of laughter and head-scratching. That’s the only thing Trump is in the news for. In other news, Trump is embroiled in yet another controversy. His lawyers have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice, aiming to block its US sale and release. The Trump campaign announced, “This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked. This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store. It belongs in a dumpster fire.”


However, the producers behind the film argue it offers a “fair and balanced portrait” of Trump. During a screening at Cannes, Abbasi (director of the film) unbothered by the threat of the legal action suggested, “I mean, everybody talks about him suing a lot of people. They don’t talk about his success rate though. If I were him, I would be sitting in New Jersey, Florida, or wherever he is now, New York, and I would be thinking: Oh, this crazy random guy and some liberal c---- in Cannes, they gathered and they did this movie and it’s f----- up and it’s a conspiracy."

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by  Julie Bennett
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Julie Bennett

He further continued, "I don’t necessarily think that this is a movie that he would dislike. I don’t necessarily think he would like it. I think that he would be surprised. I would offer to go and meet him wherever he wants and then talk about the context of the movie, have a screening, and have a chat afterward. If that’s interesting for any one of the Trump campaign people here.”

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