Internet Calls Out Trump and Biden's 'Outrageous' Media Coverage, Calls it 'Worse Than 2016'

Internet Calls Out Trump and Biden's 'Outrageous' Media Coverage, Calls it 'Worse Than 2016'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photos By (L) Alex Wong; (R) Brandon Bell

Media has a rather strong impact on the formation of public opinion, image building, and awareness, especially in the political field. To gain credibility and trust from the voters, it is somewhat essential to receive good coverage in the media. However, the media coverage of Donald Trump and Joe Biden amid their election campaign has received increasing criticism. Social media users are currently criticizing the media for what they perceive as 'outrageous' coverage of Biden and Trump's election campaigns. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Drew Angerer
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Drew Angerer


A social media user wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "I count eight stories on the Biden age controversy in the New York Times hard copy this morning and nothing on Trump‘s rally last night, where he said many deranged things. And I saw nothing prominently displayed on that rally in the paper’s online version." Resharing this post, one user said, "You can think the Biden story deserves coverage AND actually cover the dangerous insanity coming from Donald Trump. It really is outrageous how the Times and other outlets are covering this race. Worse than 2016." Another X user agreed to this and said, "I thought the free press was supposed to help protect democracy and not actively try to destroy it?"



A third person added, "EXACTLY!  I've been screaming about this since the bad debate! Not only has the media learned NOTHING since 2016 - they are WORSE!" Pointing out two popular media houses, the person continued, "It is SICKENING how they have treated @POTUS!  SICKENING!" Giving his opinion, another person said, "It’s worse than 2016 by orders of magnitude. They’re basically refusing to cover Trump at all. It’s nothing but 10+ stories a day on Biden’s age. I’m not even sure how that’s possible." A fifth person chimed in and said, "Complete failure of the 4th estate. We’re well into the 'How to become a fascist dictator' playbook."



Another X user said, "Maybe we should stop rewarding [them] by breathlessly covering & sharing their breathless coverage. It only drives more traffic to them. It only amplifies their concerted and slanted messaging. Stop. It." Meanwhile, at present, anyone keeping up to date with mainstream media can't escape the latest polls probing whether Biden should bow out, sparked by his lackluster performance in the presidential debate. Yet, there's a growing group of people questioning why Trump's apparent cognitive decline and startling proposals aren't receiving similar scrutiny, per The Guardian's report.



Biden’s supporters are criticizing media outlets for having a double standard in their coverage of him versus his opponent. Historian Heather Cox Richardson also noted a lack of media focus on Trump recently. As reported by The Conversation, he pointed out and said, "Although Trump has frequently slurred his words or trailed off while speaking and repeatedly fell asleep at his own criminal trial, none of the pieces mentioned Trump’s mental fitness.” The depth with which journalists have been covering Biden has also sparked speculation about whether the news media is on a mission to derail his campaign.

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