Amid rumors that she had an affair with Tim Mynett, Ilhan Omar reportedly filed for divorce from her husband Ahmed Hirsi on Friday, TMZ reports. According to the legal documents, Omar claims there has been an “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage relationship” and asks for joint legal and physical custody of their three children.
According to Omar, she wants to deny spousal support to each side and asks the court to decide child support.
The pair married for the first time in 2002 and divorced in 2008 before remarrying in 2018. After their first divorce, Omar married British citizen Ahmed Elmi in 2009, but split from him in 2011. However, Omar and Elmi never officially divorced until 2017.
Omar has reportedly moved out of her home with Hirsi and into a penthouse in Minneapolis.
The divorce news may conflict with the PJ Media report that suggests Omar had Hirsi fired from his job working for Minneapolis Councilwoman Alondra Cano so that he would become financially dependent on her. The report suggests Hirsi was terminated from his job in June and has been raising Omar’s children for the majority of 2019.
But the news may confirm the report’s suggestion that Omar and Hirsi have been separated for some time — an “open secret” amongst the community, the report says, which went on to explain that the separation was kept secret for political reasons.
“… they stated that Omar is concerned that a significant percentage of local Somali voters would no longer support her should they be convinced Omar violated her Islamic marriage vows.”
NEWS: U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar filed for divorce from husband Ahmed Hirsi on Friday in Hennepin County.
— Theo Keith (@TheoKeith) October 7, 2019
Omar has been outspoken about her views on Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, who she doesn’t believe is progressive enough for the presidency. During her keynote speech at the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum — which included speeches from Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren — Omar said the United States needs a president who realizes the country is fighting for the “soul” of democracy and the kind of society it wants to become.
During questioning from a reporter for The Guardian , Omar suggested Biden is not that president and explained her reasoning.
“I think it has been very clear to many of the people who have been creating the kind of movement that is exciting generations, that we want somebody who really has a plan that is going to tackle a lot of the systematic challenges that we have, and he doesn’t.”
As of yet, Omar and her team have not commented on the divorce filing.