Never before has the country been so divided by politics. American political differences have become more intimate, putting even the closest bonds to the test. Conflicts can result in tension, miscommunications, and even emotional distance.
All this is because of ideals in marriages where one partner is a staunch fan of Donald Trump and the other is not.
How do these couples work through their disagreements? Is it possible for love and respect to triumph over political division? There have been several instances of couples struggling due to political rhetoric.
When people searched social media for examples of such couples and how they deal with such stressful situations, many examples popped up.
One of the users said that their husband of 25 years was the sweetest and kindest person. However, they have been brainwashed by MAGA‘s nonsensical beliefs over the years. He has lost his kindness and has become negative towards people.
No logic or fact can change his mind. The user added how they want to get out of this marriage, but it is difficult to survive alone. The inflation continues to rise, our taxes increase, and we may lose our Social Security.
This is what happens when you vote for Trump, guys. Your wife may very well divorce you and this lady approves.
Hell hath no fury like a woman whose husband voted for Trump, apparently.
— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) November 14, 2024
Another user said they knew their partner was a trump supporter at the time of marriage. However, they thought it would work. They have now observed that she lacked honesty and shared Trump’s values. The couple is divorcing each other.
Another user told the story of how their boyfriend got enthralled by Trump and his MAGA rhetoric. He wanted a submissive girlfriend. He wanted to go to church and forced her to vote for Trump, too. When the pressure became too much, they broke up.
This isn’t just a small group, hoards of women are walking out of decades-long relationships because of the vote their husbands cast last week.
Trump is breaking up marriages.
— Dr. Jebra Faushay (@JebraFaushay) November 12, 2024
Such issues are very visible in couples where one of the partners is White and the other one is of color. If the one who is white becomes a MAGA follower, the other partner is bound to feel abandoned. Donald Trump’s push for the deportation of even those on VISAs can cause a massive divide in the relationship.
Another example is couples where the male partner is a Trump and MAGA follower and does not believe in women’s right to choose. Abortion is one of the biggest reasons for couples to break up.
Men who want to control their wives or girlfriends usually choose kids as a way to do it. It’s obvious that when one’s partner does not believe that it is a woman’s right to choose, the couple can not survive the trials of a relationship.
Donald Trump’s stand on LGBTQ is also breaking families apart. If one parent believes MAGA ideologies, they can abandon their kids who belong to the LGBTQ community.
Liberal says that she’s breaking up with her wife of 10 years, because she’s a DlEHARD Trump supporter…
— American AF 🇺🇸 (@iAnonPatriot) December 15, 2024
One can not keep such politics out of the marriage or family. Unfortunately, MAGA supporters even condemn and criticize Pope and call him non-christian when he supports gay marriage. There is nothing more one can say about Trump supporters.