A Montana man who was out target shooting became the victim of a Bigfoot-related incident on Sunday. The victim was on public lands in Helena putting up targets when the shooter unloaded several rounds toward him. The 27-year old said one bullet landed 3 feet from his left foot, and another almost grazed him after whizzing by him on his right side.
After seeking shelter, the man finally confronted the shooter, who advised that he thought the man was Bigfoot. When the victim responded that he was, in fact, not the legendary Sasquatch, the alleged shooter advised the target shooter to wear orange when out in the woods.
“I thought you were Bigfoot. I don’t target practice — but if I see something that looks like Bigfoot, I just shoot at it,” the hunter told his victim, the Idaho Statesman reported.
The hunter — who was driving a black F-150 — has yet to be found. The victim neglected to file a formal charge against the hunter and called in the report 24 hours after the incident. Local police were led to believe that the story was a farce, however, after the story made headlines — another would-be victim came forward and claimed she, too, was a victim of random fire by the man.
Though the woman who called in her incident didn’t mention Bigfoot, she claimed she was fired upon by a man in a truck matching the description of the F-150 that almost took out the target shooter.
“We’re working to find this person. It is of great concern that this individual might think it’s okay to shoot at anything he thinks is Bigfoot,” Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said, as the Idaho Statesman reported. Dutton advised that if the reports are true, the shooter could face attempted negligent homicide charges.
A 2017 study by Chapman University revealed that Americans do believe in several paranormal events and activities, but only 16.2 percent surveyed said that they believe in Bigfoot. The higher percentages showed Americans had a strong belief in Atlantis, aliens, and ghosts.
According to ABC News in Montana, a warning went out to campers over the summer to be aware of Sasquatch sightings after increasing flows in the Yaak River. Though neither the U.S. Forest Service nor the Kootenai National Forest association penned the warning, the poster advised should one come upon Bigfoot, not to yell at him, run to or from him, and not to feed him. The poster did say, naturally, to take photos of the legend.