New York Police Department officer Garman Chen tragically lost his life during the early morning hours of Saturday after losing control of his vehicle. Chen was off duty while driving his Lexus down the highway. A video taken by another driver on the road that witnessed the incident, captured the horrific last moments of his life, according to The New York Post.
The shocking video is taken from behind Chen’s vehicle at around 2:30 a.m. It shows the officer driving at a high speed down the highway before losing control and crashing into three lanes of traffic. He then crashed into a barrier pole supporting a pedestrian footbridge, his car appearing to burst into flames.
Chen was 25-years-old and had worked for the 76th Precinct in Carroll Gardens for three years. His ultimate goal was to one day become a detective. His friends and fellow officers have spoken out about Chen’s heart and his love of helping other people.
“I still can’t believe the news and I’m still shaking from the phone call. Rest in Peace to my brother Garman. From High School, to Cadets to Brothers in Blue,” Chen’s friend Robert Lee said.
Lee went on to emphasize how he always knew that Chen had his back and was always there for him when he needed him.
Grant’s sister echoed this sentiment, explaining that Chen was a part of their family, even attending some of their holiday gatherings. She recalled the heartbreaking moment when she heard the tragic news of his death.
“I went to the hospital to confirm it wasn’t him…I didn’t want it to be him. I was like no, this isn’t Garman. This isn’t happening. He was selfless… a great person all around. Always helping everyone he sees — I mean, he’s a cop, right?”
Two other individuals were seriously injured as a result of Saturday’s crash. The victims included a FDNY firefighter who endured bodily trauma and a woman who’s foot was cut off during the accident.
It is unfortunately not rare to hear tragic stories such as this one in which a driver loses control of their vehicle while at a high speed. As The Inquisitr previously reported, popular comedian Kevin Hart was gravely injured earlier this year after a serious accident. He was a passenger in Plymouth Barracuda when the driver lost control of the vehicle. He sustained serious back injuries that he is still in the process of recovering from.