Hilary Duff shared a heartwarming video on popular social media site Instagram for her daughter Banksy Bair’s second birthday on Sunday, October 25. The video included a slideshow of photos from the child’s life during the past two years and received plenty of love from Hilary’s 15.8 million followers as many wished the little girl a happy day in the comments section.
The clip ran for two minutes and 18 seconds and consisted of photos from Banksy’s birth to present day. One photo featured her wrapped up like a burrito in a hospital blanket, and the next showed Hilary giving her a bath in the kitchen sink.
Other snaps included Banksy’s older brother, Luca, posing next to his little sister. The 8-year-old was seen standing next to a stroller and then sitting on the front steps of a house with his sister standing behind him and holding onto his shoulders.
Another photo featured the happy baby sitting on the Easter Bunny’s lap, while Luca sat next to them and held up a peace sign for the camera.
In addition to the many endearing photos of Hilary and Banksy, the singer’s husband, Matthew Koma, was also included in several shots as he shared moments with his toddler. An adorable moment was captured between father and daughter as Matthew held her on his lap and both flashed smiles from ear to ear. The whole family was also featured all together, and other family members and friends made appearances as well.
The final photo showed the birthday girl at her current age sitting against a wall. She wore purple pants, a burgundy long-sleeved shirt, and hot pink socks. Her hair was styled in an adorable half up-do with a big bow, and she had a sippy cup placed between her legs. Across the frame, Hilary wrote, “Happiest Birthday wonderful girl” and added a red heart for emphasis.
Hilary also penned a sweet message to Banksy in the caption of the video. She wrote about how the past two years with her had been amazing and that even though it seems she spent the beginning of her life yelling at her family members, no one would believe it because of all the happiness that pours from her smile. Hilary expressed how much she loves her daughter and wished her a “HAPPY 2 boo boo.”
The post earned more than 100,000 likes and several hundred comments within the first day.