The opening ceremony for Blizzcon 2017 was emotional and touching for dedicated Blizzard fans. The video that kicked off Blizzcon featured fans of various Blizzard Entertainment games discussing the relationships they have formed and strengthened through the gaming realms. Attendance for Blizzcon 2017 was record-breaking, with millions viewing via virtual ticket and over 30,000 people at the conference center in California. Blizzard Entertainment’s CEO encouraged players to be kind and welcoming to new players as they come into the game. Blizzard Entertainment game developers hope this kindness will spread beyond the digital realms and into the real world. Once this touching tribute was complete, excitement spread as the long-anticipated announcements hit computers across the world.
World of Warcraft , Blizzard’s legendary game, announced an epic new expansion at Blizzcon 2017. Rumors centered around the beloved character Jaina Proudmore as the face of the new expansion. As the World of Warcraft game director took the stage, fans were not disappointed, as Jaina’s face filled the screens. A focus was placed on the Horde versus Alliance dispute that has burned since the beginning of the Warcraft universe. Two new continents, stunning graphics, and never-before-seen monsters are featured in the trailer that had fans in awe. Players will be able to venture to level 120, battle through new dungeons, and participate in numerous player-versus-player events. Battle for Azeroth , the newest expansion, will place the focus again on factions and reignite the old Horde versus Alliance war.
After discussing players’ World of Warcraft achievements this year, including Surmar and the Broken Shore, players were teased that more content for the current expansion is yet to come. Following a short video showing the rewind of classic expansions by Chromie, Blizzard Entertainment also announced World of Warcraft Classic . The classic servers will be available in the coming months and will focus exclusively on vanilla content. A shadow plushie based on the in-game pet was announced and proceeds will go to charity, much to the delight of fans.
Blizzcon 2017 also featured record-breaking announcements from multiple games across the platform for fans of other Blizzard games outside of the World of Warcraft universe. Overwatch fans can look forward to a new Blizzard-themed theme park and a new healer character. Hearthstone fans were introduced to a new expansion featuring the Kobalds and their sacred candles. Not to be left out, Heroes of the Storm fans were also introduced to two new dragon-based characters. Blizzard Entertainment has definitely exceeded expectations with their announcements this year. Fans are eagerly looking forward to testing the new characters and expansions on test realms in the near future.
[Featured Image by Blizzard Entertainment]