Here's Why Prince William Used a 'Different' Name While Studying at the University of St. Andrews

Here's Why Prince William Used a 'Different' Name While Studying at the University of St. Andrews
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Tim Graham

Being a member of the British Royal Family might appear glamorous and attractive. But, the roles and duties carried out by its members aren’t a piece of cake. Moreover, attempting to live a 'normal' life doesn’t exactly come easy. Prince William, the oldest son of the late Princess Diana, genuinely wanted to live out his college days without his associated titles. To fulfill that ambition of his, he reportedly took on a new name so that he’d avoid the aftermath of fame. Despite being an incredibly popular personality, he longed for a quieter life when he was studying at the University of St. Andrew’s in England. 



According to The Mirror UK, Prince William did at one point have a secret name in college to avoid a frenzy of attention. The Scottish Sun reported that the Prince chose to go by the name ‘Steve’ in his time as a university student. The newspaper claimed that living by an alternative name was his way of getting to have 'a relatively normal experience.' As surprising as it is, William has been observed to be a very reserved person. Despite his popularity in college, he was still known to be a humble yet private person. 



Prince William studied at the aforementioned institute in 2001 and initially pursued a degree in Art History. However, after a year of art, he decided to instead switch to Geography and earned a grade of 2:1. Despite his secret name in college, William was already famous due to his active involvement in the university. Whether it was extracurriculars or academics, he was an enthusiastic participant in it and seemed to enjoy his time on campus surrounded by friends. Although the lowkey life did work out for some time, William wasn’t exactly successful in keeping up his disguise. 



Back in 1998, the prince paid a brief visit to Canada with his father, King Charles, and received quite a passionate welcome. Williams has always been suave and charming, which in turn has attracted many fangirls. His dazzling smile and gentlemanly demeanor reportedly stole the hearts of all the young maidens at the time! Furthermore, in 2000, The Guardian claimed the prince was “possibly Europe’s most eligible bachelor, Britain’s most famous teenager," which, in a way, was an undeniable fact at the time. 



Nevertheless, despite doing his best to conceal his real identity, William couldn’t keep his real name hidden for long, primarily because of how much fame he’d attained as a teenager and young adult. On the bright side, it was the very same place he met the love of his life, Princess Kate Middleton. The duo were good friends before things took on more romantic notions.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Max Mumby
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Max Mumby


Regardless of the rich history and their thrilling love story, nothing could’ve stopped this couple from being together. Today, William and Middleton are among the most eminent members of the Royal family and are beloved and respected by all in their country and worldwide.

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