Here's Why Netflix Edited Out Kim Kardashian Getting Booed at Tom Brady’s Roast

Here's Why Netflix Edited Out Kim Kardashian Getting Booed at Tom Brady’s Roast
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Matt Winkelmeyer

Part of the Netflix Is A Joke Fest, the comedy spectacular Netflix's The Roast of Tom Brady took place at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles. Ben Affleck and Kim Kardashian were among the many well-known personalities there, eager to give it their best. When Kardashian began speaking, there was some applause at first, but a barrage of jeers soon overpowered them. Kardashian had to halt amid her roast due to the loud jeers, and she seemed shocked to the crowd.



Robbie Praw, the company's vice president of stand-up and comedic formats, recently explained why the streaming service chose not to include jeers during Kardashian's performance. Praw confessed to The Hollywood Reporter, "Post edits are standard practice for comedy specials and happen in live broadcasts whether that's subtitles, adding things or removing things that we can't do when it's streaming live." Another source informed US Weekly, four days after the May 5, roast that Kardashian had 'a blast' making fun of Tom Brady in the Netflix special. The source went on to say that she 'wouldn't change a thing' about the encounter and that the jeers she received from the audience didn't phase her.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Tristar Media
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Tristar Media


The source revealed, "Kris [Jenner] always taught her kids that they need to have very thick skin to handle the criticism that comes with the fame. So this was nothing new and nothing Kim couldn’t take. Kim thought she handled the whole situation well and didn’t have any regrets about participating whatsoever. She would definitely do it all over again. Kim felt like even though some of the jokes about her were brutal, it was still all in good fun."



In the revised version, there are no apparent sneers from the audience as Kardashian just enters the stage, gives Hart a high five, and starts her performance. The founder of the Skims cracked jokes about Hart's height, her past relationships, and her supposed infatuation with Brady throughout her brief performance. She said on the show, "I wasn't going to come tonight. But since I'm not here as Tom's date, there's still a good chance I might. Speaking of Tom and I dating, I know there were some rumors that we were. And I'd never say if we did or not—I'd just release the tape."



As per the Independent, she also couldn't resist making fun of her late father, Robert Kardashian Sr., for his defense teamwork in 1995 against the late O.J. Simpson. Kardashian added during her roast, "Honestly, it’s hard for me to watch people roast you, but I think enough of my family members have helped defend former football players. I’m just here tonight to support you and celebrate you. I’ll give you the same advice I give all of my exes, good luck knowing the best is behind you." Brady even clapped back at Kardashian when he addressed her previous relationship with, Kanye West, on stage. He said, "I know Kim was terrified to be here tonight. Not because of this, but because her kids are at home with their dad."

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