Here's Why Nancy Pelosi Feels It's ‘Impossible’ for Donald Trump to Become President Again

Here's Why Nancy Pelosi Feels It's ‘Impossible’ for Donald Trump to Become President Again
Cover Image Source: (L) Getty Images| Photo by Chip Somodevilla (R) Getty Images| Photo by Scott Olson

Months before an election that might see Donald Trump win again, a New York jury found former US President Donald Trump guilty of all charges in his hush-money case, making him the first former US president to be found guilty of a crime.

Cut to 2023, when the average polling score from Real Clear Politics projects that Donald Trump, the front-runner in the GOP primary, is ahead of President Joe Biden in national surveys by one point. However, former 52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi stated that it is 'impossible' for the Republican leader to become president again.

During her interview with CNN's Phil Mattingly, Pelosi expressed her disagreement with the host's claim that Democrats are worried about Trump's strong polling ratings versus Biden in a prospective rematch. “Well, I don’t think that nobody feels — I think many of us know that he can't be the president again with what he is proposing,” the San Francisco representative stated. 



“This is a neck-and-neck race and no one feels very comfortable on the Democratic side of things that Donald Trump isn’t going to be the next president,” the CNN news host said. When Pelosi responded negatively, “Why do you say that?” Mattingly inquired. “Well, because when you’re talking about what he is talking about now with more tax cuts for corporate America, taking them down so low to the detriment of our budget and meeting the needs of people,” the Trump critic added.  



As per The Daily Wire, Pelosi went on to state further that she believed Biden’s campaign “to get the job done” in 2024. She further explained that “public sentiment is everything” during the election and the Democratic party will win again. “Our inside maneuvering to get the job done, the president’s vision for our country, his knowledge of the issues, his strategic thinking as a legislator are so important, but so is his emotional connection, the empathy he has for working families in our country,” said Pelosi.  

Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: GettyImages| Photo by Chip Somodevilla


Since the former president is still polling well in state and national surveys comparing the two candidates, President Biden and his campaign have kept an eye on the developments. On Monday, at a speech held at the Mother Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina—the scene of the 2015 racial shooting, President Biden verbally attacked Trump and his supporters, calling them "defeated Confederates." 



“After the Civil War, the defeated Confederates couldn’t accept the verdict of the war, they lost. So they say they embraced what is known as the lost cause, the self-serving lie that the Civil War was not about slavery but about states’ rights. They call that the noble cause. That was a lie,” Biden stated, “So let me be clear, slavery was the cause of the Civil War. There is no negation about that. Now, we’re living in an era of a second lost cause,” the president added. “Once again, there are some in this country trying to turn a loss into a lie. A lie which if allowed to live will once again bring terrible damage to this country. This time the lie is about the 2020 election.”



As per The Daily Wire, Biden went on to discuss January 6, 2021, Capitol Riot, blaming Trump for “whipping up lies” for a “violent mob”. “Let me say what others cannot: We must reject political violence in America. Always, not sometimes, always. It is never appropriate. The violence of January 6 was the extension of an old playbook from the threats of violence and intimidation.”

Pelosi echoed the same sentiments through a tweet calling for fair voting, "Today, we all must do our part to preserve American Democracy, which Lincoln called “the last best hope of earth.”

Editor's note: This article was originally published on January 14, 2024. It has since been updated.

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