Here's Why Former Trump Aide Thinks There’s a ‘Civil War’ Raging Inside the Republican Campaign

Here's Why Former Trump Aide Thinks There’s a ‘Civil War’ Raging Inside the Republican Campaign
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Joe Raedle

The 2024 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, a political force that once commanded unwavering loyalty and tight control, now finds itself in a state of internal conflict, according to Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House communications director. In a recent interview, Scaramucci painted a vivid picture of a campaign fraught with disarray and discord, likening it to a ‘civil war’ where factions within the team are at odds over the directions and strategy of the campaign. Host Nicole Wallace cited a report and argued, "The entire architecture of the Trump campaign [had been] about the ageism and the slurs that they planned to lob against Joe Biden...there wasn't a plan B."


As per Raw Story, from the outside, Trump’s campaign may appear as though it’s continuing with its usual bravado, but Scaramucci’s insider perspective reveals a different story. According to him, "That's one of his moves. He put all of his teammates in there. He's flying around privately with the leader of the Heritage Foundation. It doesn't poll well, and then he says what he always says, 'I don't even know these people. Never met these people.'"


As per Huff Post, the crux of the issue, as Scaramucci pointed out, stems from a fundamental shift in the campaign’s strategy or rather, the lack of one. With the original plan largely centered around attacking Biden’s age, the Trump campaign seems to have been caught off guard when faced with other challenges, specifically the possibility of running against Vice President Kamala Harris. Reportedly, the absence of a ‘Plan B’ has left top advisers like Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita scrambling, unsure of their standing within the campaign.


Scaramucci explained, "And so there's a civil war going on inside the campaign. Those people are after Susie and Chris. Susie and Chris are looking and saying, 'We could have an expiration date on our jobs now.' ...things are in disarray. He is calling around to his old campaign teams, people from '16 and '20 and he's socializing ideas with them and that's why he's on time-delay…If he starts saying his crowds are bigger than Taylor Swift then you know we're in real psychotic territory."

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Ciaglo
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael Ciaglo

Scaramucci has always been a vocal critic of Trump. Recently he took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his disdain. He penned, “Trump‘s view is to convert the United States into an oligarchic state. That is his go-to form of leadership. His rich acolytes believe that democracy is too messy, and the average person is not capable of being involved in the decision-making a result of which these supposed know-it-all-all oligarchs should be running things and of course, they should be getting richer and more powerful.”



He added, “I am not sure what is going happen in the election, but it feels like Trump isn’t just going to be defeated. It’s not clear to me that Trump will be the standing candidate for the Republicans in November. He is very weak. He is very old, he is very brutal, and his act has grown very tired at a time when the American demography wants better leadership and wants more inclusive leadership.”

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