Here's Why California's 'Trumpiest' Republican Town is Launching a Second Effort to Oust Gavin Newsom

Here's Why California's 'Trumpiest' Republican Town is Launching a Second Effort to Oust Gavin Newsom
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew Harnik

Governor Gavin Newsom is giving nightmares to the most Republican state in the United States- California. While the two major candidates of the 2024 elections, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, have been dominating the headlines for their debate performances, Californians are trying to oust Newsom and fear his presidential bid as he gears up for the Democratic nomination.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama


The 'Trumpiest' state of California is neither celebrating the Republican front-runner's apparent win at the 2024 presidential debate, nor they are bothered by Biden's painfully poor performance. Instead, the deep blue state has all eyes on Gov. Newsom, who is positioning himself to take over the role of commander-in-chief if the 81-year-old steps down, and the people are getting all panicky.



The Atlanta, Georgia debate opened doors for many aspiring presidential candidates since Biden is deemed "unfit" to serve America for five more years, considering his age issues. Among the hopefuls is Newsom, who is ready to grab the opportunity but in turn, giving horrifying chills to the people of California who are not ready for a Newsom presidency at any possible cost. 



58-year-old writer Kelly Eggert told The Daily Mail, "Newsom has been absolutely terrible for the families in Susanville. In California, the Democrats have got things wrong. They don't have the best interests of the US at heart. If Newsom became president, he would be a complete nightmare. I think it would be like the Civil War all over again." 



Newsom, clearly, is receiving more flak from Californians than Biden or Trump, with voters citing issues like spending unreasonable amounts on social programs, growing rampant homelessness, and policies that equal a political vendetta for areas that are Republican-dominant. Eggert furiously complained about the sudden loss of 300 jobs in the area, "He [Newsom] did this to punish a Republican area. He injured our livelihoods. I think he's trying to get Republicans to move out of California." 



As far as his presidency is concerned, Eggert outright denied Newsom's competence to be the leader of the United States. "I don't believe he has the capability to be president. Look what he has done to the largest state in the Union. And you want to hand him how many more states?" While Eggert was talking, a man drove past by and shouted, "Get rid of that sucker!" 



So, is Newsom really "waiting in line" to have the national stage after Biden's disastrous debate? The ambitious governor's name has popped up to be Biden's successor and Emily Hoeven, an opinion columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle, weighed in, "I think it's been clear that he's been waiting in the wings for some time. But I think that now there is a far bigger opening for him than there ever has been," as per The Guardian.



Meanwhile, Newsom, so far, denied he's not running for the November presidential elections in an interview with MSNBC in April 2024. 

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