Here's Who Melania Trump Suspected Had Leaked Her Naked Photos to the Press: Book

Here's Who Melania Trump Suspected Had Leaked Her Naked Photos to the Press: Book
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris

Kate Bennett, a CNN reporter, published Free, Melania: The Unauthorised Biography in 2019, which revealed a hitherto undisclosed facet of Donald Trump's first presidential campaign. It was about the 2016 story in the New York Post that included nude images of Melania from 1996. As reported by The Guardian, Bennett claimed in her book that Melania suspected Roger Stone—a longstanding advisor and ally to her husband—of being responsible for the leak of nude images from her modeling career.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mark Reinstein
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mark Reinstein

Stone had departed the Trump campaign in August 2015, so he was not officially involved in politics at the time. However, he maintained a tight relationship with Donald. At the time, the former president was in the middle of a contentious spat with the family of US soldier Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. A large number of his party members and Military veterans turned against him. As per the outlet, multiple surveys showed his opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the lead. It seemed like Trump's train was about to derail. Bennett described in her book, "The theory goes … that Trump was trying to head off a bad week on the campaign." 


Bennett continued discussing the 2016 Post article, "This time the idea that [Trump] would throw his naked wife under the bus was almost so gross and salacious, and the photos so B-movie bad, the press ultimately spent very little time discussing them. Melania has not commented on how she thinks they got into the hands of the tabloid and on to the cover, but friends say she still refuses to believe Trump would do that to her. As for Stone, she’s not so sure."

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Robin Platzer
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Robin Platzer

But it seems like Melania's staff denied the veracity of this story. After the release of Bennett's book, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham sent an email to The Guardian: "Mrs Trump is surprised at Kate Bennett’s reporting. Our office worked with Kate in good faith on her book, and thought she would do an honest job. Sadly, it includes many false details and opinions, showing Ms Bennett spoke to many anonymous people who don’t know the first lady. It continues to be disappointing when people, especially journalists, write books with false information just to profit off the first family."


Born in Slovenia, Melania was a famous international model in 1995 when she went all out for Ale de Basseville, a French photographer. A racy photo also showed her entwined in a passionate hug with another nude female model. As per The Sun, the theme was extolled by De Basseville, who added, "I think it is important to show the beauty and the freedom of the woman, and I am very proud of these pictures because they celebrate Melania’s beauty."


Following the publication of Melania's naked photos, Donald informed the New York Post, "Melania was one of the most successful models and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common." The Post cover came after GQ republished a skimpy picture session from 2000 in which Melania posed aboard her husband's custom-fitted 727 airplane, scarcely wearing any clothing at all. On the cover, Melania laid barefoot on a fur blanket, her only garment a diamond-encrusted choker and matching cuffs. She was tied to a briefcase.

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