Here's How a Trump Supporter Bizarrely Defended His Notorious 'Access Hollywood Tape' on Live TV

Here's How a Trump Supporter Bizarrely Defended His Notorious 'Access Hollywood Tape' on Live TV
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Brandon Bell; (Inset): YouTube | @CNN

A Donald Trump supporter defended the former president's "Locker Room Talk" tape on live TV in October 2016. During a conversation with CNN's Brooke Baldwin, a Trump fan from Kansas City, Missouri, Vicki Sciolaro admitted the Republican front-runner's vulgar remarks about women were offensive. However, she still insisted that "he's not running for Pope" and "nobody's perfect." 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Scott Olson


"You've heard Trump's words, How did you feel hearing that?" asked Baldwin. The fan said, "Well, obviously it was very offensive. However, I think it's totally irrelevant. It was so long ago." She further defended the businessman-turned-politician, "And I do believe most men will talk about women in ways they would never talk about publicly. And, of course, if they'd have known they were being recorded, the conversation would have been totally different. Nobody's perfect." 



The infamous 'Locker Room Talk' first resurfaced after The Washington Post released a 2005 recording of Trump in October 2016 with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush where the ex-president made lewd remarks about women owing to his "celebrity" status, saying, that when "you're a star" you can "do anything" to women, including "grab them by the p----." 



Since then, the now-78-year-old and his team have come in his defense. Trump first admitted to the remarks, apologized for them, and issued a statement following the release of the tape, "This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago." He then downplayed the seriousness of his own comments by criticizing his predecessor, "Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended." 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla


The tape was published days before a scheduled debate between Trump and the then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. CNN's interview with Sciolaro (Trump's supporter) was after Trump debated then-rival candidate Hillary and argued, "Hillary Clinton doesn't care about murdering babies, dismembering abortions. That's okay with her." 



However, host Baldwin interjected and corrected the supporter to not deviate from the Access Hollywood tape discussion. "I appreciate you talking but we're talking about locker room conversations. My question was is it okay that a man who wants to be the president of the free world is bragging and admits to it and yes, he's apologized to sexual assault?" 



The Trump supporter reiterated, "Yes, that is... that is... wrong absolutely but here's the thing he's not running to be the pope. Look at the culture of our country Everybody knew he had a strip club but still the millions of people chose him to be the nominee. This is the kind of person that needs to lead our country," arguing, "God can use anybody. He used the harlots. It's all about what God can do. God can use this man." 



Since then, several other sexual scandals of Trump have come into the limelight, including the recent Hush Money trial in which he was declared a convicted felon concerning his extramarital affair with porn-star Stormy Daniels. However, Trump has vehemently denied all misconducts or misdemeanors he's been accused of.

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