Here Are 5 Weird and Unflattering Trump Family Nicknames

Here Are 5 Weird and Unflattering Trump Family Nicknames
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Andrew H. Walker

5 Unflattering Trump Family Nicknames: A Closer Look

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla

Nicknames can be endearing or humorous, but they can also carry shades of criticism or mockery. The Trump family, known for its prominence and controversies, has not been immune to such nicknames. Have a look into five unflattering nicknames associated with members of the Trump family and the contexts that led to their emergence. These nicknames offer insights into the dynamics and perceptions within the Trump family circle and the broader political environment. They reflect aspects of isolation, image-consciousness, power struggles, and the challenges faced by key figures in navigating their roles and responsibilities within the public eye.

1. Melania "Rapunzel" Trump

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Wong

Melania Trump, the former First Lady, earned the nickname "Rapunzel," not because of her long hair but due to her tendency to stay aloof in the White House. Secret Service agents and staff members claimed that like Rapunzel she rarely left her quarters. Stephanie Grisham revealed the details in her book I’ll Take Your Questions Now. Although the Office of Melania Trump was not pleased with the claims of the books. In a statement, they said, "The intent behind this book is obvious. It is an attempt to redeem herself after a poor performance as Press Secretary, failed personal relationships, and unprofessional behavior in the White House. Through mistruth and betrayal, she seeks to gain relevance and money at the expense of Mrs. Trump."

2. Melania Trump: The Portrait

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chris Jackson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chris Jackson

Another moniker attributed to Melania, "The Portrait," originated from her stepdaughter Ivanka Trump reportedly. This nickname stemmed from Melania's perceived lack of verbal engagement, leading some to view her as merely a decorative figure rather than a vocal presence within the Trump family dynamics. However, The White House denied the story. As per Daily Mail, they said, “These allegations couldn’t be further from the truth and had the Washington Post or the publishers of this book fact-checked this with Ivanka's office, they would know that. Hit pieces like these only serve to conjure non-existent palace-intrigue stories unworthy of the paper they’re printed on.”

3. Princess Ivanka

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael M. Santiago
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Michael M. Santiago

Ivanka Trump, as a senior White House adviser, faced criticism and internal tensions that led to the nickname "Princess Ivanka." This title was not one given out of love but rather a reflection of perceived attempts to insert herself into situations beyond her expertise, and claiming her behavior more suitable for royalty rather than a political advisor. As per reports, Ivanka’s presence at the G20 summit resulted in outrage and hence the origination of her nickname. One Trump aide exclaimed, "Excuse me, this is not a royal family, and she’s not the princess royal."

4. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump: The Interns

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mark Wilson
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mark Wilson

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump garnered the nickname "The Interns" among Donald Trump's senior aides. This label reflected a sense of entitlement and arrogance attributed to the couple, as they were seen as exerting influence and making decisions despite their roles not necessarily aligning with such authority. The nickname also hinted at a lack of experience or competence in handling significant responsibilities. Grisham wrote in her book, "An address to the nation is serious stuff, and whenever possible you need plenty of time to prepare properly — unless, of course, you were in the Trump White House, where everything was like a clown car on fire running at full speed into a warehouse full of fireworks…we had all come to call Jared and Ivanka 'the interns' because they represented in our minds obnoxious, entitled know-it-alls."

5. Jared "Slim Reaper" Kushner

 Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla

As per Style, within the Trump administration, Jared Kushner, husband of Ivanka Trump, acquired the moniker "Slim Reaper," highlighting a perception of his actions as detrimental or disruptive. The nickname suggests that his involvement often led to negative outcomes or complications, leaving others to deal with the aftermath of his decisions or interventions. In her book, Grisham wrote, "I finally figured out what was going on, Jared and Ivanka thought they were the royal family of the United States."

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