Helen Mirren made an appearance on the Tonight Show last night, touting her re-emergence on Broadway in The Audience . Mirren ‘s likability factor reached new levels as the interview transitioned from the run of the mill host asking questions to a hilarious helium-voiced Helen Mirren Oscar acceptance speech.
Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon first discussed with Helen a picture that went viral last month of Mirren riding the subway. The Academy Award-winning Mirren went on to endearingly describe a moment in which a good samaritan stopped the subway in order for her and her husband, who were running late to watch a theater performance. The delaying of the subway resulted in the police asking the gentleman to leave the train, causing Helen to feel just a smidge guilty. Mirren quipped, “They take him off the train and I am sitting there going, ‘I must get off my seat and go and tell them it was my fault… but then I’m going to be late for the theater…’” Mirren buried her face in her hands embarrassment as Fallon and the audience erupted in laughter.
As the interview continued, Fallon talked about Mirren’s elegance and class and his appreciation for Helen’s British accent. This brought on the highlight of Mirren’s Tonight Show appearance, as Jimmy presented her and himself with helium filled balloons and the two giggled as they worked their way through a squeaky voiced conversation, including a fake Oscar acceptance speech given by Mirren.
Helen Mirren is a highly critically-acclaimed 69-year-old film and theater actress. In a recent interview with Radio Times Magazine , Mirren discussed that even after many years of success in practicing her craft, she still suffers from minor stage fright at times, stating, “Every actor has stage fright, but there are levels, from serious psychotic breakdown, where you lock yourself in your dressing room and refuse to come out. It’s happened to a few actors. Not me, but when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play.”
Besides her recent return to Broadway, Helen Mirren can also currently be seen in movie theaters starring alongside Ryan Reynolds in The Woman in Gold . Mirren plays a holocaust survivor who takes the Austrian government to court in an effort to retrieve a painting that was stolen from her family during the Nazi invasion. The movie, which is based on a true story, has received mixed reviews with some calling it “mediocre” in spite of Mirren ‘s “fantastic” acting.
[Image courtesy of Theo Wargo/NBC/Getty Images]