There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of Harlequin reading for a guilty pleasure but it seems that when it comes to the Kindle, and the Nook as well, there has been an influx of what is termed erotic romance, or as the less gentile might call it – soft-porn.
Right now the Top 100 listing for the Kindle is home to books like “Bent Over”, “Double Teamed”, “Bedded by the Boss”, and “Hot Daddy Cop” and while that might not seem all that bad what is raising a few eyebrows is that these e-books are coming with some rather suggestive cover art.
Needless to say, most of the books feature scantily clad figures, often intertwined, on their covers. Now, we’re not prudes, but when a woman’s bare behind shows up in the top 100 list on the Kindle (as is currently the case with “Bent Over”), you start to wonder whether someone over at Amazon might get a little concerned about its image and what the young folks who own Kindles might comes across in their browsing. (Start clicking on “related titles,” and things go downhill quickly–from the risque to the downright perverse.)
via Cnet .
Of course romance, or erotica romance if you prefer, has always been popular and the hasn’t changed with the rise of e-books. What has some folks concerned apparently is the cover art as that is the first thing some-one sees when looking through the titles