After a four-year battle to get pregnant using IVF, former Real Housewives of Orange County star Gretchen Rossi announced that she is finally about to become a mother. Rossi and partner Slade Smiley revealed on an episode of The Doctors on Monday that the couple is experiencing a gamut of emotions — from relief to feeling “freaked out” over the coming bundle of joy after hearing its heartbeat for the first time, People reported.
“Yes, finally we have news that we are pregnant!” Gretchen said on the show. “It’s so wild. It still doesn’t feel real.”
Rossi has expressed a desire to have a baby with Smiley for years, but her partner had a vasectomy years prior. For her 38th birthday, he underwent a reversal, but they still weren’t able to conceive. So a few years ago, they started the process of IVF. Sadly, Rossi was crushed after she lost 14 embryos in the first round of treatment. The RHOC alum says that, as a result, she went into a deep depression and wasn’t able to get out of bed. She considered giving up on trying to have kids because of the emotional toll.
The couple decided to keep trying, despite the difficulty, and a few months ago — for the first time — an embryo finally implanted. On December 17, the couple decided to reveal the news on an episode of The Doctors .
“There was plenty of times during the process that we were like, ‘Oh my gosh. Is this ever going to happen? Is this ever going to come to fruition?’” Gretchen said. “But I think that we’re so very grateful because had we not had IVF, we would not be sitting here right now telling you that we’re pregnant.”
The 41-year-old told People that she considers the baby, which is due in July of 2019, to be their Christmas miracle. She added that it hasn’t all been easy, however. Beyond the difficulty in conceiving, she said that she has had morning sickness that lasts all day long. On the positive side, she says, her doctors tell her that sickness can be a good sign.
Smiley added that he felt relief after hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time recently.
“[W]hen you get to those little milestones and you know you’re hearing the heartbeat,” Slade said. “It’s so exciting but it’s also relief.”
Rossi says that the process has brought the couple, who will celebrate their 10th anniversary in February, closer together.
Smiley has two children, Gavin and Grayson, from previous relationships.