If there wasn’t enough turbulence within the country, Greece’s Justice Minister on Tuesday alluded to the idea that government is considering the seizure of German assets in their country as compensation for the damage inflicted upon its people during WWII.
As reported by CNBC news, Greek PM Alexis Tspiras accused Germany on Tuesday of trying to avoid financial compensation to Greece through “legal tricks.” He was also quoted by Reuters.
“Germany has never properly paid reparations for the damage done to Greece by the Nazi occupation. After the reunification of Germany in 1990, the legal and political conditions were created for this issue to be solved. But since then, German governments chose silence, legal tricks and delay.”
The Independent also reports the Greek government is claiming that €162bn, nearly half of the value of its total public debt , stems from the damage Nazi led occupation had on Greece.
In an impassioned speech to the Greek Parliament on Tuesday, Alexis Tspiras stated the country intends on honoring all of its obligations to others, but also promises that any and all unfulfilled obligations to the country and its people, will also be met.
The call for reparations stems from a war loan of 476 million reichsmarks the Greek Central bank was forced to give to the Nazi Government. However, the country is calling for even more compensation for the war time atrocities, stating the crimes are still very clean in the minds of the people.
It is quite clear the German government has no inclination to provide the debt ridden country with any additional war time reparations.
Germany has rejected the claims that more compensation is owed Greece numerous times, citing the agreed amount of 115 million deutschmarks (59 million euros, or $62 million) paid to Greece in 1960 fulfilled its obligation.
Steffen Seibert, the spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, was quoted by Reuters as stating “It is our firm belief that questions of reparations and compensation have been legally and politically resolved” and “We should concentrate on current issues and, hopefully what will be a good future”
Germany is outraged at Greece’s suggestion of asset seizure, claiming the country has far more pressing matters at hand, as in the austerity measures it has yet to mandate, even though they were paramount for its financial bailout five years ago.
Greece has finally begun talks with international creditors on Wednesday to discuss the economic reforms it agreed to in 2010 with it’s bail out. Further aid cannot be offered to Greece without these reforms in place. The country is on the verge of complete financial ruin and looking to run out of cash and default on the euro loans by the end of March if more aid is not afforded to them.