For two seasons, the primary focus of Gotham ‘s Bruce Wayne, played by David Mazouz, has been to discover who killed his parents and what Wayne Enterprises had to do with their murders. It seems fans and Bruce himself will be getting the answer to at least one of those questions. In light of Fox Television president Gary Newman’s statements concerning the possibility of a Gotham spin-off, we may see this discovery of the Wayne’s murderer lead to that mentioned spin-off.
Who Murdered Bruce Wayne’s Parents? Gotham Will Tell You
Bruno Heller, creator and showrunner for Gotham , has promised that the murderer will be revealed by the end of season 2, spurring many Gotham fans on to begin generating their own theories as to who really killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. While the first season presented an answer in the form of Mario Pepper, it has since been revealed that the low level gangster was set up by Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett-Smith) and the corrupt G.C.P.D. This, of course, leads fans to speculate that the guilty party is one of the countless villains to have come and gone through the one and a half seasons of Gotham .
It seems unlikely that Gotham would have built up the murders of the Waynes as they have, only to reveal they were killed by a random villain, or that they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It seems far more likely that there was a larger motive and the recent revelation that Thomas Wayne was investigating his own company only adds credence to the theory that Wayne Enterprises was somehow involved in the killings.
Adding to that Gotham theory, Bruce Wayne has come under fire himself, following his own visit to the company’s board of trustees. When he first entered the board room, the amused faces of the board members all belied the fact that they saw him as a child in need of coddling, but, as he asserted himself and proved he was a force with which to be reckoned, those expressions changed. Many of them seemed suddenly afraid or looked as though they felt threatened.
Finally, there are the words of Theo Galavan (James Frain), as Bruce vowed to never sign over his company. Betraying not the slightest concern, Theo responded by telling Bruce that he could obtain Wayne Enterprises through other means. Could there be an inside agent already in place within the company? If so, that agent may have moved against the Waynes, correctly assuming their deaths would leave the corporation that much more vulnerable.
How Likely Is A Gotham Spin-Off?
The Fox president revealed thoughts for a spin-off recently at the Television Critics Association press conference, when he revealed just how impressed he’s been by the performance of Gotham in season 2. The first season of the series received a mediocre response from viewers, but, after Heller re-imagined Gotham with the Rise of the Villains theme , ratings took off and the series has generated a cult following.
“We’re really happy with the creative on Gotham this year,” said Mr. Newman. “We thought the Rise of the Villains has been great, and it feels like a world that has many, many stories to tell.”
Newman added that there hasn’t yet been any official conversations with Warner Bros., who produces Gotham , nor with DC Entertainment, so he cannot speculate as to whether they would be open to a spin-off series. While Gotham has introduced some major villains, such as the Penguin, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, The Riddler, Scarecrow, and Cat Woman, it seems more likely that a spin-off would focus with a lesser known villain. A spin-off might find more success with a character, whose past and development hasn’t already been explored ad nauseam via films, television, graphic novels, and comic books.
[Featured image by Warner Bros./DC Entertainment]