GOP Leader Trashed on Social Media After Claiming, "We’re Here To Worship Trump"

GOP Leader Trashed on Social Media After Claiming, "We’re Here To Worship Trump"
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama

Michael McDonald, the chair of the Nevada Republican Party, got slammed widely on social media after he compared former president Donald Trump to God during his speech at a rally in Las Vegas, implying that those in attendance to hear him were there to "worship him," per Rolling Stone.

McDonald said, “What more can be said than, thank God we’re here in Sunset Park to worship and bring back the greatest president we’ve ever known in our generation.”



A user slammed him on X, (formerly Twitter) saying, "Well we already knew it so they might as well say it and embrace it. Cult." Another user attacked him with just a single word, "*VOMIT*". Historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat slammed, "I have thoughts...see #Strongmen on personality cults. I talk about how Trump is just the latest to be received as a figure sent by God to save his people. The reality: the more corrupt they are, the more they must wrap themselves in an aura of holiness."



"What a fool believes," a user joked. "MAGA folk rely on a cloud of emotion and impulse: hate, rage, fear, blind worship. These things all bypass reason and analysis pretty readily. That’s who they are. That’s what Democrats need to deal with," a user analyzed. "How many ways do you need to be told it's a cult? The people voting for Biden are voting to hang onto democracy. The people voting for Trump are voting for a strange unreal ideology that in no way benefits them. It's disturbing af," a user claimed.



Another user trashed, "You left out that McDonald is currently under indictment in Nevada as a fake 2020 elector. Stupidest cult of all time." Another user mocked, "Republicans, amirite? Here's the head MAGAtoad of the local party claiming the assembled potential heatstroke candidates are there to worship and bring back Trump. It's MAGA Easter in Vegas, David Copperfield not necessary to raise Trump. Are there pentagrams on the stage?"



McDonald is one of 6 electors currently indicted as part of a larger case against fake electors who attempted to rig the election results of 2020. All of the accused are members of the Nevada GOP, per Associated Press.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | 	Mario Tama
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Mario Tama

Each faces up to four or five years in jail for the offenses of presenting a fraudulent instrument for filing and uttering a counterfeit instrument. In 2020, Trump lost Nevada by a margin of over 30,000 votes to Joe Biden.


To sway the outcome of the 2020 election, Trump's fake elector strategy entailed assembling bogus slates of electors in significant swing states. Despite Joe Biden's confirmed victories, these fictitious electors signed certificates proclaiming Trump's triumph. The plan to sabotage the electoral process and manipulate the results resulted in accusations of conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an official procedure, and conspiracy against rights.

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