President Donald Trump has refused to concede defeat in the 2020 presidential election, pursuing long-shot legal challenges and consistently pushing allegations about voter fraud. Some elements of the Republican Party have strongly supported the president’s attempts to overturn the results, which seems to have alarmed Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera .
Per Mediaite , in a video posted Sunday to his Twitter account, Rivera slammed Trump’s most ardent backers in the GOP for still promoting conspiracy theories about electoral irregularities and pleaded with them to finally accept the will of the American people, who elected Democrat Joe Biden .
“Are you sh*tting me? Biden won. Trump lost. Stop acting like spoiled brats. Or worse, the lunatic fringe. Enough. Basta.”
Rivera’s video was a response to a recent Twitter post from the Arizona Republican Party. The state’s GOP called on Trump to “cross the rubicon” and reverse what they described as a “coup” presumably perpetrated by Biden and the Democrats.
“We are working every avenue to stop this coup & to stop our Republic from crumbing [sic]. Patriots are united. Those who are against us are exposing themselves,” Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward tweeted.
Rivera explained in the video that he is concerned about how Trump has surrounded himself with “fringe characters” like former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who allegedly suggested that Trump should declare martial law and deploy the military to key swing states.
Rivera also noted that the Texas Republican Party recently advocated for secession from the United States. Allen West, the chairman of the organization, flirted with the idea after the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit that sought to overturn the results in several battlegrounds.
“Donald Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the damn election. Now let’s just move on from there,” Rivera said.
According to New York Times journalist Peter Baker, Trump has indeed surrounded himself with individuals like Flynn. Baker reported on Sunday that the commander-in-chief has started taking advice from loyalists because other administration officials no longer want to indulge the “fantasy” that Biden won by cheating.
“He’s trying increasingly desperate ideas. There are fewer people around him who are willing to tell him no,” Baker said, noting that attorney Rudy Giuliani — who reportedly wants the Department of Homeland Security to seize voting machines — still has Trump’s ear.
Many Republicans in the U.S. Congress have already moved on and congratulated Biden. Notably, as CNN reported, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently recognized the Democrat as president-elect.