Billionaire businessman George Soros on Tuesday jumped back into the political contribution game by providing $2 million in donations to two large pro-Democrat support super PACs.
Soros donated $1 million to advocacy group American Votes and an additional $1 million to the pro-Obama super PAC American Bridge. The later is the same group that created the anti-Romney ad which featured comparisons to OJ Simpson and the cast of the former hit TV show Friends.
While the Democrats are lagging far behind Republicans in terms of super PAC fundraising George Soros could be just the man they need to help kick off larger fundraising efforts, in 2004 Soros donated a total of $24 million to help unseat George W. Bush.
Speaking of the billionaires donations a spokesman from the Soros camp noted:
“George is focusing his political giving in 2012 on grassroots organizing, and holding conservatives accountable for the flawed policies they promote. Both groups are part of a progressive infrastructure, or center left establishment, that plays an increasingly important role in elections.”
By donating $2 million George Soros is now tied with DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. Chief Executive Jeffrey Katzenberg who along with his wife donated $2 million in 2011 to the pro-Obama PAC Priorities USA.
The move to donate such a large sum comes after one of Soros’ spokesman said in November 2011 that he would likely not play a large role in Democrat-based super PAC fundraising during the 2012 election cycle.
Since 2004 George Soros has focused most of his giving on progressive campaigns that promote policy and change in the United States.