George Clooney Once Slammed Donald Trump, Describing Ex-Prez as 'Just a Guy Chasing Girls'

George Clooney Once Slammed Donald Trump, Describing Ex-Prez as 'Just a Guy Chasing Girls'
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by (L) PL Gould; (R) Jacopo Raule

In a 2021 interview with BBC's Andrew Marr, longtime Democratic Party backer, George Clooney, delivered a scathing critique of former president Donald Trump. Clooney said that the nation was still getting over the economic damages caused by Trump's presidency and cautioned American voters to use 'some better judgment' and not elect him back to the White House. Deeming the Republican leader a womanizer, the Ocean's Eleven actor stated, “It’s so funny because he was just this knucklehead...I knew him before he was a president. He was just a guy who was chasing girls. Every time you went out he’d be like, ‘What’s the name of that girl?’ That’s all he was.” 


According to The Hollywood Reporter, Clooney also dismissed worries about President Joe Biden's declining polling position back in 2021, stating that the POTUS was still adjusting to Trump's legacy. “It’s like taking a battered child and thinking everything’s going to be okay his first day in school,” the Three Kings actor argued. “There’s a lot of things that have to be repaired, there’s a lot of healing that has to happen, and it’s going to take time.”


Earlier in 2016, Clooney had also labeled Trump an 'opportunist'. “He’s just an opportunist. Now he’s a fascist, a xenophobic fascist.” In light of the same, he declared, “I am a Hillary supporter," for whom he fundraised. In the past, Clooney's 2012 event for Barack Obama raised a whopping $12 million in a single night, as per The Guardian.

Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by John Falls
Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by John Falls

The actor added, “I met Donald once. I was sitting in a booth and we talked for a while. Then he did Larry King, and he said I was very short. And I was like, ‘I was sitting down the whole time, Donald!” In 2017, Clooney again shaded Trump at the 42nd annual César Awards while accepting an honorary award. Clooney warned, “The actions of this president have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad, and given considerable comfort to our enemies. And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn’t create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it — and rather successfully.” 


As per Vogue, “I was thinking about Edward R. Murrow,” Clooney stated while referencing the iconic broadcaster during his speech, “as we find ourselves nostalgic for when America was great and when the news wasn’t fake.” “We must not confuse dissent for disloyalty,” he continued, quoting the war journalist. “We must not walk in fear of one another. We must not be driven by fear into an age of unreason.” He further cautioned, “We’re going to have to work harder and harder not to let hate win.” He proposed, "Love Trump’s hate, courage Trump’s fear, and always right Trump’s wrongs." Clooney ended by quoting Shakespeare. “Cassius was right...The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.’” 

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