KISS bassist and co-founder Gene Simmons is having the PR nightmare of the month. In fact, every time that Simmons has opened his mouth in public, someone has walked away befuddled and offended. The latest pile of fecal matter to come sliding down his ridiculously long tongue happened this week when it was revealed that Simmons told people suffering from depression to go “kill themselves.” This coming to light shortly after the now infamous suicide of beloved comic and actor, Robin Williams, who was a long time sufferer of depression.
In his comments, which were actually made in an interview with Song Facts published on July 31st, well before Williams hanged himself this past Monday, Simmons explained that he’s tired of “putz’ kids” standing on ledges screaming for attention.
For a putz 20-year-old kid to say, ‘I’m depressed, I live in Seattle.’ F*** you, then kill yourself. I never understand, because I always call them on their bluff. I’m the guy who says ‘Jump!’ when there’s a guy on top of a building who says, ‘That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to jump.’ Are you kidding? Why are you announcing it? Shut the f*** up, have some dignity and jump! You’ve got the crowd.”
Social Media exploded on Simmons and his comments and, as reported on The Inquisitr , radio stations vowed to stop playing KISS music in protest. Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx took to Twitter to call out Simmons for his comments.
After a long week, Gene Simmons took down his Twitter account and quickly issued a statement to apologize for his comments.
I wonder if @genesimmons would still say how depressed people or addicts should kill themselves if it happend to his wife or kids?
— Nikki Sixx (@NikkiSixx) August 13, 2014
As reported on Popwrapped , Simmons issued a statement shortly after the media circus began over his comments.
“I was wrong and in the spur of the moment made remarks that in hindsight were made without regard for those who truly suffer the struggles of depression. I sincerely apologize to those who were offended by my comments. I recognize that depression is very serious and very sad when it happens to anyone, especially loved ones. I deeply support and am empathetic to anyone suffering from any disease, especially depression.”
But the suicide comments are only one of many long-tongue-in-cheek comments Simmons has made. Earlier this month, in a video taped segment on Huffpost Live, Simmons said that immigrants need to learn to speak ‘God D*** English.” Here is a video of the interview.
Simmons went on to say that he felt bad for Mel Gibson and Donald Sterling, both men having been recorded making racist remarks. Gene Simmons wears some pretty ridiculous boots while onstage, and yet he still seems to fit his foot in his mouth with relative ease.
Maybe it would just be best for someone in the Gene Simmons camp to reign in their client and tell him to keep his mouth shut until he learns a proper time and place. Controversial comments do not endear you to your fans, Mr. Simmons, they only serve to show the world what kind of person you really are, and from what we’ve seen, your demon persona in KISS is not that far off.
Stay tuned to see what Gene Simmons will say next, but know that it will most likely be offensive.