In a sudden and unexpected incident, the world was struck by the heartbreaking news of Matthew Perry’s passing on October 28th of this year. The loss of the beloved Friends star reverberated globally, leaving fans in disbelief. Meanwhile, the strong bond shared by the six Friends co-stars was not just an on-set relationship, it evolved into a beautiful familial bond. Therefore, fans were keen to know how Perry’s Friends colleagues coped with the loss, given their incredibly close ties forged over years of collaboration. Amidst this tragic moment, Jennifer Aniston recently shared her emotions on Perry’s untimely death, shedding light on her final interaction with her cherished co-star.
During an interview with her co-star Reese Witherspoon on The Morning Show , Aniston spoke about her profound connection with Perry. She recalled Perry’s positive state before his passing, emphasizing his contentment and improved health. According to Nicki Swift , Perry had taken positive steps like quitting smoking and was eager to embark on a fitness journey, indicating a promising outlook on life. Adding to the conversation, Aniston disclosed details of her final conversation with Perry, revealing that she was communicating with him via text on the day he passed away. “I was literally texting with him that morning, funny Matty. He was not in pain. He wasn’t struggling. He was happy,” she said.
She continued by saying, “I want people to know he was really healthy, and getting healthy. He was on a pursuit. He worked so hard. He really was dealt a tough one. I miss him dearly. We all do. Boy, he made us laugh really hard.” Aniston cherishes nothing but positive memories of her co-star, holding a huge amount of love and respect for him. This interview marked the actress’s initial public appearance and discussion since Perry’s passing approximately a month and a half ago.
Aniston further expanded on the heartfelt reaction and widespread support pouring in from people worldwide upon learning about the tragic and untimely passing of Perry. “It’s so beautiful, hope he can know that he was loved in a way he never thought he was,” she said. Aniston and Perry collaborated on the iconic series Friends for an impressive span of 10 seasons, contributing to its rise as one of the most monumental successes in sitcom history. Within this renowned ensemble, Perry brought to life the beloved character of Chandler Bing, arguably emerging as one of the show’s most beloved and iconic personalities.
Jennifer Aniston says she hopes Matthew Perry is remembered “as he said he’d love to be remembered”: “He was happy. He was healthy. He had quit smoking. He was getting in shape. He was happy — that’s all I know. I was literally texting with him that morning, funny Matty. He was…
— Variety (@Variety) December 11, 2023
Perry’s impeccable comic timing, sharp wit, and memorable humor have resonated deeply with fans ever since the inception of the show. Meanwhile, as reported by She Knows , Aniston’s recent statement undoubtedly brought solace to concerned fans who had been apprehensive about Perry’s well-being before his passing, considering his previous battles with addiction. Aniston’s genuine sentiments in her interview also brought the heartfelt emotions she conveyed in a touching Instagram tribute dedicated to Perry just a month earlier. The enduring legacy of Perry is poised to remain a source of fond remembrance and appreciation among fans and the entertainment world.