A search for free porn videos may shortly be something that many advertisers may not be interested in any longer since Google AdWords will be banning porn ads for its web-based advertising network.
In a related report by The Inquisitr , free porn videos and photos are killing the sex industry slowly but surely, according to actual porn businesses who are being hurt by copyright violations of their created works. But while the regular movie industry has received plenty of help from governments in defending Hollywood from websites like the Pirate Bay, porn movies are not exactly high on the priority list of many a politician. So in response, the porn industry created the Pay For Your Porn campaign that attempts to persuade people to do as the name suggests.
Unfortunately for the people in the sex industry, the financial crunch is about to get even harder. Google AdWords are used pretty much everywhere on the internet. In fact, many of the ads you see on The Inquisitr website are served up via AdWords. How big is this? In general, 36 percent of all internet traffic is pornography, and the biggest free porn sites receive over four billion page views and 350 million unique visits per month. The world’s largest internet porn site, XVideo, transfers 29 petabytes a month, or 50 gigabytes per second, of free porn videos.
So when Google began saying back in March of this year that it “would be updating its adult sexual services, family status, and underage and non-consensual sex acts policy pages,” this was like a warning gong to the porn industry as a whole. According to CNBC , Google recently sent out a message that AdWords would no longer “promote graphic depictions of sexual acts,” and they also defined how this will affect porn websites:
“When we make this change, Google will disapprove all ads and sites that are identified as being in violation of our revised policy. Our system identified your account as potentially affected by this policy change. We ask that you make any necessary changes to your ads and sites to comply so that your campaigns can continue to run.”
According to Ars Technica , “companies such as PayPal, Amazon, and Chase Bank have started to disassociate themselves from clients who work in the adult entertainment industry.” While Google has 351 million and rising searches for porn related subjects per month, the company has decided they do not want to support the porn industry any longer. This might mean a loss of money to Google, but they apparently feel the income loss is worth it in this case.
What do you think about Google banning advertising related to porn?