Fox News Host Brian Kilmeade Offers Bizarre Defense for Donald Trump’s ‘Poisoning Our Blood’ Comment

Fox News Host Brian Kilmeade Offers Bizarre Defense for Donald Trump’s ‘Poisoning Our Blood’ Comment
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | (L) Photo by John Lamparski ; (R) Photo by Justin Sullivan

Many are criticizing former president Donald Trump for using terminology that was formerly used by Adolf Hitler. However, presenter of Fox News Brian Kilmeade thinks it's not a huge deal since the former president simply wants to “keep America, America.”

Kilmeade supported former President Trump's remarks over the weekend about immigration, which have appropriately drawn criticism from a broad range of individuals, including several Republicans, per The Hill. During a campaign appearance in New Hampshire, Trump blasted the Biden administration's immigration policy, saying millions of people are entering the nation illegally and “poisoning the blood of our country.”



Critics immediately compared his language to that of the Nazi era, calling out the usage of his terminology. “He was talking about the border. He was talking about people coming from other countries, coming from prisons. And they wanted to focus on all the Sunday shows, Lawrence, on the word he used, ‘poison,’” Kilmeade said, bizarrely defensive of Trump. “He’s just trying to say we want to keep America, America. We want to build up the border and find out who’s coming in and out. And they tried to say that this language was the problem.”

Leading Democrats and media personalities, according to Kilmeade, are attempting to make people “fearful” of a second Trump administration so they will “hold their nose” and back the current President Biden.



Although Kilmeade is right that many critics are focussing on his language, he's wrong to suggest that's the only problem. Trump's remarks in New Hampshire were remarkably xenophobic, even without the use of the term "poisoning." He asserted that terrorists and criminals are "pouring" into the United States from "all over the world." Because Hitler used the same phrase in his manifesto, Mein Kampf, to characterize what he considered to be the inferiority and impurity of Jews and immigrants, critics have been focused on criticizing the usage of the phrase "poisoning the blood," per HuffPost.



The former president's remarks come a week after he outrightly stated his plans to be a dictator on day one. Trump was directly asked by Fox News host Sean Hannity if he would act like a dictator if he were elected president again, to which he replied, "Only on day one," before saying his priorities would be to seal the southern border and increase the United States' efforts to drill for oil. In his quest for a second term in office, Trump has become more and more of an authoritarian. In November, he used another Nazi-favored phrase, "vermin," to describe political opponents.



More than half of Americans think that if Trump is reelected, he will behave like a dictator, according to a recent survey. Over 40% of respondents to the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll strongly think that the GOP front-runner will behave like a dictator if given a second term, with 56% of respondents at least somewhat agreeing, per The Hill.

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